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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-18 18:15:09

At 11/18/21 12:03 PM, Cyro-NG wrote:Can you guys maybe give me some insight as to why I have 2 stars, I have no idea what to improve besides line art and colors but I didn't think Newgrounds was that strict about those two things
It would really help a ton if I could just understand why
This is the animation

Your animation seems good but you got to remember you are being judged alongside fully written, voice acted, and finished animated videos. 2 stars for a few seconds of unfinished line-art would be what I would expect. Add in some sound effects and visual effects and you'd probably get another star, if it was a longer fight sequence you might make it to 4+, especially with some lines and decent voice acting.

If it's one thing I have learned about NG it's that while there is a great creator presence on the site there are a lot of regular people coming to be entertained, they typically don't like unfinished stuff, and will not judge content based on it's own merits.

Composing video game soundtracks and the occasional personal release :)

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-18 19:05:25 (edited 2021-11-18 19:06:14)

At 11/18/21 06:15 PM, NoStereo wrote:
At 11/18/21 12:03 PM, Cyro-NG wrote:Can you guys maybe give me some insight as to why I have 2 stars, I have no idea what to improve besides line art and colors but I didn't think Newgrounds was that strict about those two things
It would really help a ton if I could just understand why
This is the animation

Your animation seems good but you got to remember you are being judged alongside fully written, voice acted, and finished animated videos. 2 stars for a few seconds of unfinished line-art would be what I would expect. Add in some sound effects and visual effects and you'd probably get another star, if it was a longer fight sequence you might make it to 4+, especially with some lines and decent voice acting.

If it's one thing I have learned about NG it's that while there is a great creator presence on the site there are a lot of regular people coming to be entertained, they typically don't like unfinished stuff, and will not judge content based on it's own merits.

Thanks so much for responding man, seems like Newgrounds requires months of not eating to get a 5 star rating lol

Seriously though thanks for giving me some insight into how this stuff works and seems like Newgrounds is really strict about clean lines and color

Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-18 23:15:39

At 11/18/21 07:05 PM, Cyro-NG wrote:
Thanks so much for responding man, seems like Newgrounds requires months of not eating to get a 5 star rating lol
Seriously though thanks for giving me some insight into how this stuff works and seems like Newgrounds is really strict about clean lines and color

You are welcome. Don't stress too much about clean lines and color, I have no doubt that if something is entertaining despite looking rough it could score highly. In fact I really think you could go far using the visual style in your animation as an intentional artistic choice.

Here's a sanity tip though, don't make getting 5 stars your goal. 5 stars is unobtanium if you are reaching a large audience, because you can't please everyone. In my experience, between 4 and 4.5 is a realistic top end, and if you manage to get beyond that you'll know you've made something truly special.

Eat your food :)

Newgrounds isn't a competition, it's a place to learn, grow, and share your passion!

Composing video game soundtracks and the occasional personal release :)

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-19 01:50:43

Hello, my name is Victor Melin and I'm a voice actor. I recently made this Animation Voice Demo and am curious to know what people think. I edited and mixed the demo as well. Honestly, any feedback and/or criticism is appreciated. Maybe you'll like or maybe you have some advice or criticism about my performance and/or audio mixing. I want to put this out there and maybe help content creators with their projects or games. Thank you for your time.

Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-24 00:13:08

Could someone OVER 18

please kindly review this:

"If you don't stand up for yourself... everyone will walk all over you." -Donald Trump

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2021-11-24 20:28:39


I've just started to develop games, and here's my first attempt.

Kai Learns to Fly!

It's a simple launcher game, in the style of Burrito Bison and Flight, but with a few twists. I gave myself a strict one month deadline, so its by no means perfect but hopefully it's entertaining. I'd love to know what you make of it!

Response to Review Request Club 2021-12-07 17:44:23

Hey i wanted to see what i could improve on here ? I know the legs are awful but it feels ;ike its more then that. what could it be?

Response to Review Request Club 2021-12-13 21:41:45 (edited 2021-12-13 21:50:19)

Looking for some pretty fair critism, and how I could imprve the piece and my artstyle as a whole.



Same thing for this one, but I am curious. Which piece of mine do you guys like more? Feedback would be GREAT.

Also, don't forget to vote!



Performer of all, completer of none

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-01-02 09:37:18

I make moosic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-01-08 03:01:34

Spent 4-5 hours on this one. Please review.

Response to Review Request Club 2022-01-13 00:20:30

iu_523145_8656361.webp Latest fully complete drawing I have done, I tried out some new brushes and was just wondering if this look good or not

and ere the link to my post https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/jam3e/zombie-babe

Response to Review Request Club 2022-01-17 18:52:49

Hey everyone I would really appreciate some feedback on my new song, What Hop

Any feedback at all, good, bad, idc, would just love to hear any thoughts on it. Thanks!

Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-03 01:27:55

If anyone what to review this beat and thank you for you'r time on it.

Don't long waves (newgrounds.com)

Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-04 16:17:03

I'd appreciate some reviews on my newest piece, thanks!



BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-06 05:25:41

Happy to announce my first 2022 submission! It's not a WIP either!

Usually upload works in progress throughout the year. But sat down live on twitch and pushed this out in a couple of hours. I'd be very grateful for some listens as recent audio comes in thick and fast and tracks usually get overlooked! <3

Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-20 12:06:46

Hi everyone! I'm a new member of this site, though I've already been producing electronic music for several years. I just uploaded my first original song on here, and would appreciate a review on it: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1110688

Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-22 17:35:43

i have been making a comic for a few months and want to see if i could get some feed back i know that the 1st few chapters look kinda bad but i think it looks good by the latest chapter


Response to Review Request Club 2022-02-26 18:39:27

I made a surprisingly catchy song and would appreciate a review on it: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/1114253

I couldn't think of a better name for the song XD


Response to Review Request Club 2022-03-20 20:07:42

Trance is boring they say! :D

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-03 20:30:00

Started working on a cartoon. It's about four college students who get into crazy situations. Would anyone be willing to review it? I am still a beginner, but hopefully its entertaining.


Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-05 16:42:24

I made a remix of old japanese city-pop song and I'd like you to listen to it!

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-05 23:05:54

I made a chill synthwave kind-of song, would love to hear what y'all think!

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-11 16:13:15

Hello, Review Request Club!

I'd like to come back here regularly to get reviews for my older art, since the artworks haven't received enough reviews for the scores to be represented accurately, and because of this, their places in popularity sorting are artificially high. This means that not only do I not know how well they're actually doing, but the older art shows up in spots that should probably be taken up by better art instead.

Before I send a piece in, can I ask whether multiple people generally cover the same submission, or whether it's a matter of a person volunteering to do the job of reviewing the submission? Depending on how the system works, I might start with my artwork that has only one vote left, or more than that.

Thank you!

Someone please help me revive my clubs

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-12 02:22:35 (edited 2022-04-12 02:26:18)

Heya. I want to improve a FamiTracker track of mine. Looking to polish it. I feel like the mixing (?) is off.

How can I Improve the track?


Edit: Does a track have to be public to show with the fancy image and all of that?

- Blawnode.

"Keep on fighting."

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-12 03:23:08 (edited 2022-04-12 03:27:23)

At 4/12/22 02:22 AM, blawnode wrote:Heya. I want to improve a FamiTracker track of mine. Looking to polish it. I feel like the mixing (?) is off.
How can I Improve the track?
Edit: Does a track have to be public to show with the fancy image and all of that?

Possibly, and since it isn't public, I'll review it here for you.

Mixing: Bass is a bit loud imo, but I can hear everything in the mix ok enough. Everything is too centered, widen out some elements. It's also really dry, throw on some effects.

Composition: A bit bland and repetitive, sections don't really sound unique in the whole song. 1:36 you had a good moment I really liked, more of that would help. Develop your melody a bit more and make things interesting. I like the sounds you used for your percussion, but you can do more with it to influence the pacing of the music in different sections.

It's not bad but there is a lot you can do to really make it a great song. Keep up the good work!

Composing video game soundtracks and the occasional personal release :)

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-04-12 08:33:06

At 4/12/22 03:23 AM, NoStereo wrote:
At 4/12/22 02:22 AM, blawnode wrote:Heya. I want to improve a FamiTracker track of mine. Looking to polish it. I feel like the mixing (?) is off.
How can I Improve the track?
Edit: Does a track have to be public to show with the fancy image and all of that?

Possibly, and since it isn't public, I'll review it here for you.

Mixing: Bass is a bit loud imo, but I can hear everything in the mix ok enough. Everything is too centered, widen out some elements. It's also really dry, throw on some effects.

Composition: A bit bland and repetitive, sections don't really sound unique in the whole song. 1:36 you had a good moment I really liked, more of that would help. Develop your melody a bit more and make things interesting. I like the sounds you used for your percussion, but you can do more with it to influence the pacing of the music in different sections.

It's not bad but there is a lot you can do to really make it a great song. Keep up the good work!

Aye, thanks lots! I appreciate the transparency

The mixing part is super valuable for me..! I don't get what you mean by too centered, and widening out. I assume that I should have instruments take over more of the pitch spectrum? And effects... hmm, that's a weakpoint of mine. I'll see what I can do

The composition - I thought it was good at first but you're definitely right. The track begs for variation.

To do more with the percussion... I think I get it. The beat is very, very simple, and doesn't have enough transitions between bars. Roger that one o7

Thanks so much again!! I'm really glad you helped me.

- Blawnode.

"Keep on fighting."

Response to Review Request Club 2022-05-13 01:17:27

Hello, I'm an animator, I have an animated series project by which I do the animation, the voice action, the writing, the production, etc, etc, etc. Recently I posted a promo (23m45s long) of an episode of the series (51m30s).

It's an adult cartoon (no nsfw in this ep), it has a variety of characters, cute girls, comedy, ecchi, gore, explosions, and more.

I'm looking for reviews, feel free to give your opinion, honest comments, what you did like on it, what you didn't like, if you could watch it whole (preferably the whole 23m45s, it's the duration of a normal anime ep ain't it? But if you just could watch 5 or 10 minutes ok, no problem), if it's too gross, too much swearing, too much ecchi, feel free, just be honest.

Thanks in advance, here it is:

multinational corporations genocide the starving nations

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2022-05-27 23:26:23

 I would like some feedback/criticism on this one. I am trying to get better on this so in the future it could sound better.

Response to Review Request Club 2022-06-15 13:07:30 (edited 2022-06-15 13:08:39)

I made an online PvP Archery game and looking for feedback as to whether I should continue working on this project or pivot to something else (different game mechanic or different game altogether). I also submitted it to some other game websites and got rejected, so I'm feeling a bit demotivated (made me feel that maybe the game sucks).


Response to Review Request Club 2022-06-17 01:46:50

Is this still an active club that can be joined?

Yea, I farm Anal Penguins. Do something about it.

BBS Signature