At 11/18/21 12:03 PM, Cyro-NG wrote:Can you guys maybe give me some insight as to why I have 2 stars, I have no idea what to improve besides line art and colors but I didn't think Newgrounds was that strict about those two things
It would really help a ton if I could just understand why
This is the animation
Your animation seems good but you got to remember you are being judged alongside fully written, voice acted, and finished animated videos. 2 stars for a few seconds of unfinished line-art would be what I would expect. Add in some sound effects and visual effects and you'd probably get another star, if it was a longer fight sequence you might make it to 4+, especially with some lines and decent voice acting.
If it's one thing I have learned about NG it's that while there is a great creator presence on the site there are a lot of regular people coming to be entertained, they typically don't like unfinished stuff, and will not judge content based on it's own merits.