I am requesting a reviewing for this song pls
I am requesting a reviewing for this song pls
Even though a lot of my submissions were already reviewed years ago by the club, I'm hoping to get reviews on a series I made a long time ago. Since nobody active in this club reviewed them back then. (At least I don't think they did) I asked if I could request again, which I was told yes. Make sure to get all of the medal points while your there... and I'm really... really... sorry in advance. That being said we are actually making the 4th "episode" of this game and feedback on the entire series would be awesome. I present to you, horrible flash game 1 that did alright for some reason.
@TehBerg @Shurrikane @TheArsonist77 @heirwaves @ectisity @larrynachos @belthagor @FrameFreak2D @ChaingunSnake @cga-999 @Psychopath @wolfe @CaptKirky @sketchsumo @demon1000 @KompiButut @BrolfThePaladin @ChioBam @Biggyzoom @TheJawns @DeftonesFan665 @adr3-n
Small discussion.
Sorry if some of you no longer want to be active in this club. If not, just let me know and I won't add you on this tag list next time I post something.
I was wondering what everyone thought of adding writing to this thread. We don't have a writing portal, but when the writing forum came out I always played with the idea that someone could link to their thread in the writing forum and we could review the submission by posting in their thread. If there's any part of the website that gets ignored it's most definitely our writers.
So what are your thoughts? I also thought about making a thread in the writing forum specifically for this and most likely will, but having one in both spots may draw the most attention.
I guess we could give feedback on the writing people make, if that's something they want! I'm not very good at reading though, but I could give it a go. Tomorrow I'll post a list of things that have been posted up to be reviewed, keep things moving! I'll have a look at that flash soon too (and those icons).
So what are your thoughts? I also thought about making a thread in the writing forum specifically for this and most likely will, but having one in both spots may draw the most attention.
I think that's a great idea! I know that there's a lot of amateur writes on here that would love some feedback, and that certainly is in the spirit of RRC :).
Weekly Update #REBOOT
Movie Requests (0)
Game Requests (1)
Pyroscape by Fro
Audio Requests (1)
Dr. Psychosis, Mother of Madness by ET16
Art Requests (2)
I'm Very Tired by SirWaffleThe3rd
Get Sex-Bang'd by SirWaffleThe3rd
I have added the 2 arts requested from the 31st of August since there are no reviews on them
At 9/20/17 03:01 PM, TehBerg wrote: Weekly Update #REBOOT
Thanks! What do you think about just linking to a submission and letting the neat icon looking thing that shows up do the rest of the work? Up to you. It doesn't really matter, but I think it looks cool that way.
Movie Requests (0)
I'm going to go through in the next couple of days and review some fresh movies in the portal from newer users with the Review Request Club tag on the bottom of the review and send them a nice PM about our club. Maybe it'll help bring a little bit of attention to us. It seemed to work well in the past.
Game Requests (1)
Pyroscape by Fro
I apologize again. Sorry to put you guys through this. :P
Audio Requests (1)
Dr. Psychosis, Mother of Madness by ET16
Only one! I can manage that... I mean I already did manage that.
Art Requests (2)
I'm Very Tired by SirWaffleThe3rd
Get Sex-Bang'd by SirWaffleThe3rd
I have added the 2 arts requested from the 31st of August since there are no reviews on them
Oh boy, I was trying to avoid those, but I'll write them up. Good choice though adding them though.
At 9/20/17 03:08 PM, Fro wrote:At 9/20/17 03:01 PM, TehBerg wrote: Weekly Update #REBOOTThanks! What do you think about just linking to a submission and letting the neat icon looking thing that shows up do the rest of the work? Up to you. It doesn't really matter, but I think it looks cool that way.
Yeah, I should have done that, but I am special.
Glad to see you guys are still alive! May I be so bold as to request a review for my latest piece of music? I could really use some critique to further improve my orchestration skills.
Here's the link:
Thanks in advance, and keep up the great work!
Oh Man, Sorry if i have been out for awhile! I had some problems here in my City and i needed to help family out with a few Projects... Anyways I will see what i can review And glad to see the Forum Alright as ever!
Hello! Please review this track. Usually my tracks are recieved well, but this track does not seem to catch peoples ear and i wish to diagnose the problem. Thank you.
@Fro I think reviewing writing is a good idea, I mean I'm a poem writer and journalist by myself so yeah, would like that^^
Hi guys!
Please review/scout my very first submission! :) I would like to hear what you guys think.
At 9/27/17 10:00 AM, MusicSashik wrote: Hi guys!
Please review/scout my very first submission! :) I would like to hear what you guys think.
Love you, mean it, but asking to get scouted is a good way to get yourself banned. Had too many people abuse that over the years. The review request club is for reviews only. The rest is at the discretion of the viewer. :)
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 9/27/17 08:59 PM, ADR3-N wrote:At 9/27/17 10:00 AM, MusicSashik wrote: Hi guys!Love you, mean it, but asking to get scouted is a good way to get yourself banned. Had too many people abuse that over the years. The review request club is for reviews only. The rest is at the discretion of the viewer. :)
Please review/scout my very first submission! :) I would like to hear what you guys think.
Thanks for letting me know, now I am informed. I apologize for that, didn't mean to force anyone to do such. I realized that this is a bad move, but trust me, I was writing it only with good intentions.
Here some cookies for everyone
Glad to see the club is up and moving again! Equilibria's got a new release out today and we'd like to request some reviews. This is our official remix of Zircon's Breathing You In, taking a more DnB/Drumstep/Metal approach to it compared to the original.
Weekly Update #001
Movie Requests (0)
Game Requests (0)
Requests (4)
Requests (0)
Sorry for the delay on this one, I have had a busy week with family matters! Here's the list, it's a very audio filled week!
At 9/28/17 04:18 PM, TehBerg wrote:
Audio Requests (4)
Thanks for the update. I may have done some of these already, but it's good to have it organized. It's a shame we didn't get any movie, art, or game requests this week. :(
Oh well, I'm not convinced they would have gotten any reviews though... my game request got 0 reviews last week.
Hello, I would like to request a review/rating on this project I´m working on, which is basically a remaster of an older track I made.
I´m not entirely sure if this club now requires some sacrifice or offering in exchange for these, if so could someone please specify how many virgins need to be placed at whose feet? Or you know- I can just review in exchange?
Many thanks, I hope you enjoy!
Hey guys, I was wondering if you could review this audio track for me
I've posted some stuff in this thread before, and I got some really helpful feedback so I was wondering if you could do it again for me.
It is an audio submission called Light Speed. It is currently on page 63 of the most viewed audio submissions this year, and it has (at the time of writing this), 810 views. I would really like some feedback, to see what I can do better, and how I can make this even better, to get more views
Thanks again,
Long time no see! Could I get some feedback on this track please?
At 12/6/17 11:13 AM, Quisty wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/quisty/bb8
Be nice, I am learning to do this properly.
nice EH!!!
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
Been improving on my game design skills. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this latest work of ours.
Hey everybody, it's been awhile since I posted in here, so I thought I'd go ahead and throw a new song in here for feedback n' such.
Thank you, and enjoy.
Hey y'all.
Could I get some feedback on my newest song, Incendi?
Here's the link: Incendi
Hi, I would like you to review the new video I uploaded: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/705297
I would like to know what you though about... well everything, animation, sound, background, if it was funny or not, mainly the last one.
Thank you for your time.
I wasn't sure which one to ask so I`ll ask about the one I had more doubts about:
I know there isn't a background, I just wanna know what you think about the character (style, pose, colors, body anatomy)
Thank you for your time.
I don't work on this stuff as much as maybe I should, but this is something I think I'm proud of and would like to know what others think so my future stuff can be even better!
Life's a performance, so give it your all like it's your last show.