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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2016-02-27 00:52:05

Here is a remake of my previous art i did a few weeks ago...

do enjoy and im improving folks!


Response to Review Request Club 2016-02-28 13:50:19

Listen to !

Response to Review Request Club 2016-02-28 15:05:42 (edited 2016-02-28 15:08:28)

Please review this song!!

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-01 15:02:46

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-01 21:55:25

Hey, if you guys have an extra 5 minutes, could you help me out and review my stuff? Don't expect it to be great...

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-02 02:02:30 (edited 2016-03-02 02:02:48)

Hey guys! Been a while since I uploaded a song (been stranded in upstate New York), would love some thoughts on it!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-06 06:12:49

My Audio Hope you guys like this! :D it's a little bit of house :)

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-06 06:23:37

Hey guys, please check out my track :D it would help me a lot, thanks!
Happy by Simon Vonck

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-08 06:58:46 (edited 2016-03-08 06:59:41)

The update which was supposed to be done last week will come out in about 8 hours. Sry for the delay :3.
I'm also going to announce Reviewer of the month, so look forward to it ;).

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-11 09:02:06 (edited 2016-03-11 09:02:48)

Looking for feedback and tips on my first song!

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-11 18:06:04

Hey there guys,

it has been some time since i submitted my last track on NG so i thought its time to show up with something new. its a track inspired by the russian red army choir / the movie "hunt for red october" and an epic orchestral choir score. Hope you will enjoy it and feedback would be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-12 07:18:43 (edited 2016-03-12 07:19:07)

I would like to ask for a review on a piano composition I've done: www.newgrounds.com/projects/audio/963073
Thank you very much in advance :)

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-12 12:48:39

I'm still newer at music production, and I just want all the feedback I can get. A review would be much appreciated.

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-12 13:28:27 (edited 2016-03-12 13:31:48)


I've lingered on this site for years, just stepping into the community side of it for the first time. I would love to join this group, and I also have a piece I would love to get feedback on. I wrote it and posted it under different instrumentation sometime ago, but I most recently went back to the original instrumentation of solo piano. I am looking for feedback on the composition more so than the production value. I do not know how to use Reason in any kind of depth, so this may effect the listener's enjoyment. Please keep that in mind going forward. That being said, I want good honest, unrestrained constructive feedback. You won't hurt my feelings. Thanks!



Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-12 14:03:52 (edited 2016-03-12 14:04:51)

Review Request Club - Update #2 2016 New Day - Still Alive!
@Shurrikane @TheArsonist77 @heirwaves @ectisity @larrynachos @belthagor @FrameFreak2D @ChaingunSnake @cga-999 @Psychopath @wolfe @CaptKirky @sketchsumo @demon1000 @KompiButut @BrolfThePaladin

SUUUP guyz!
So after two weeks of delay, I'm finally here with the update XD. Sorry for the delay, promise it won't happen again :3.
So this post marks the end of the first two rounds of the new and refined RRC, and the start of the third round. First of all there is something important I need to announce ;).

RRC Pick of the Round #2

This round pick probably isn't that surprising, but Larrynachos by getting top marks from a good number of our members. Grats Larry ;).

The previous round
I currently haven't been able to review any of this weeks requests(Though I'm planning on finishing all of them in a couple of days).On of our weaker rounds as a whole, though we were able to give most of the tracks good feedback. Mostly thanks to @BrolfThePaladin who did a great job with reviewing this round :).

Now To announce the long awaited REVIEWER of the MONTH!
Reviewer of the Month
This ended up becoming a difficult one tbh. Still I believe that the one I chose has contributed greatly to the club these past two rounds. The winner iiisssssssssssss:
After a great showing that pretty much carried the RRC this round with detailed and helpful reviews, in addition to a couple of great reviews from last round, BrolfThePaladin becomes the first Reviewer of the Month.
The Prize is a giftable copy of World of Goo from Steam. Gratz, and thanks for your contribution :). Hit me a PM to claim your prize.¨

Now to our new requests.

New Requests:


A lot of requests due to the dealy. In order to not overwhelm our members, the requests made the last 24 hours will be considered a part of the next round. Hope it's understandable.

I'll step it up this week and make sure I review as many tracks as possible, so I hope we all can make a good comeback this round :D.

Enjoy Reviewing

- Ectisity

Review Request Club

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 13:00:53 (edited 2016-03-14 13:04:40)

Been working on some music for a friends game project. Thought I'd put some feelers out and see what some other people thought about them before anything gets finalized. I'd appreciate any feedback. Check out any of the others in my Space Opera series, if you feel like it, but here's the first I'll put up for review.

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 13:18:12

Hey, that would be really cool if I could get a review (detailed if possible) about this music, thanks ! :3

Wow !


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 13:29:05

If I understood well by reading the first page, some artists ask reviews on one of their work, and the "Official Reviewers" of The Review Request Club will review it !
A new round starts every two weeks, and the best creation of the round is mentioned !
I think it's kinda cool because it boosts our will to create as we want to win ! It's something we want to reach, a goal !

Wow !


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 13:30:54 (edited 2016-03-14 13:31:59)

At 3/14/16 01:22 PM, Dr1fterX wrote: So how exactly does this work? Some artists just post stuff here that you're supposed to review and that's about it?
I'm in need of crucial info.

If I understood well by reading the first page, some artists ask reviews on one of their work, and the "Official Reviewers" of The Review Request Club will review it !
A new round starts every two weeks, and the best creation of the round is mentioned !
I think it's kinda cool because it boosts our will to create as we want to win ! It's something we want to reach, a goal !

Edit : Oops, sorry for the double answer, my bad ! :3

Wow !


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 16:27:16 (edited 2016-03-14 16:29:34)

That's wonderful :D. Welcome to the group ;).

Forgot to tag you in the update

Think I forgot to tag you under the pick of the week. Gratz.

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 18:16:58

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-14 18:32:40

Hey everybody, I finally did a new thing after awhile, and it's alot different, so somebody please review it.

Thanks in advance!

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-15 09:23:50

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-15 20:31:02

Hey everyone I was wondering if you could check this track out for a minute...

Wanted to try somthing new...


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-16 00:01:23

Well another Pixel art I made...Maybe i should work on a game right now...

And Not so Adorable now eh CaptKirky???


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-16 13:25:31

At 3/16/16 12:01 AM, demon1000 wrote: Well another Pixel art I made...Maybe i should work on a game right now...
And Not so Adorable now eh CaptKirky???

Pfft, try as hard as youd like @demon1000, you cant change how I feel about ya cute butt!

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-18 08:13:54

For some reason I was expecting a lot less music and much more drawn art here. Huh, learn new things every day.

advocatus diaboli

Illustration | Animation

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-18 13:43:01

At 3/18/16 08:13 AM, Template88 wrote: For some reason I was expecting a lot less music and much more drawn art here. Huh, learn new things every day.

I was expecting the same thing but what can you do? Im sure its a fact that audio gets the least reviews on its own here, so of course artists are going to want to come to RRC to request us to review their audio.

I would love to see more games and art here, but ultimately what it comes down to is the artists themselves. They dont need the reviews or arent requesting them here. Thats it. Theres really nothing we can do about it sadly.

Keep your head up, cause eventually something for us does pop up.

Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-18 20:56:51 (edited 2016-03-18 21:00:13)

At 3/18/16 01:43 PM, CaptKirky wrote:
I was expecting the same thing but what can you do? Im sure its a fact that audio gets the least reviews on its own here, so of course artists are going to want to come to RRC to request us to review their audio.

I would love to see more games and art here, but ultimately what it comes down to is the artists themselves. They dont need the reviews or arent requesting them here. Thats it. Theres really nothing we can do about it sadly.

Keep your head up, cause eventually something for us does pop up.

Very Soon... Very Soon Indeed @CaptKirky & @Template88 >:D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .____. derp...


Response to Review Request Club 2016-03-18 23:14:55

At 3/18/16 08:56 PM, demon1000 wrote:
Very Soon... Very Soon Indeed @CaptKirky & @Template88 >:D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .____. derp...

BRING IT ON @demon1000. Im ready for ya!