Review Request Club - Update #1 2016 A New Dawn
@Shurrikane @TheArsonist77 @heirwaves @ectisity @larrynachos @belthagor @FrameFreak2D @MegaBurner @ChaingunSnake @cga-999 @Psychopath @wolfe
Ps. Yes I know this is a wall of text, but I would greatly appreciate if you could read all of it.
Come forth, come forth, all noble reviewers! I salute thee. Mighty and weak, new and old, I welcome thee to the reestablishment of the once mighty and proud RRC(Review Request Club).
Some of you might be aware of this, but for a long period of time I've been worried as to where the Community on the site is heading. Day after day artists with great potential decide to leave the site because they don't see the point of uploading stuff on here anymore. When I first started uploading music on this site, I was intrigued by the amount who were willing to give me helpful feedback and comments on anything I uploaded, even before I got scouted. The reviews that I've gotten on this site is the single thing that has helped me get to where I am today.
Most reviewrs rarely realize how much their feedback actually means for the artists and how much it contributes to help them grow.
This is the reason why I decided to join the RRC. I wanted to give back to the community who has given o' so much to me. My first frontpage, my first chillstep track and my first collaboration was all thanks to feedback I got from people in this club. I'm of course speaking more from the standpoint of a musicians, but I'm sure artists can understand what I mean.
Well, let's get to the more important stuff. Since the abolishment of the point system, that proved to be tiring for most of the members, I've thought long and hard as to how to spark the club back to life without just reintroducing the point system again. The descision I've fallen upon is *drumroll*..... "Reviewer of the Month".
Now, before you all attack with stuff like, "how is this different from the previous system", and "won't this just lead to the exact same problems as last time", just hear me out. The point of Reviewer of the Month, is to allow th club's members to feel like they are being acknowledged for the hard work they put in. This shouldn't cause the same problems as last time because most people won't feel forced to make reviews just to stay in the club, and if they do force themselves in order to become Reviewer of the Month, they would have to provide good quality reviews in order to win it, which would help everyone.
As to what the Reviewer of the Month will actually win, that totally depends. I've made my own list over all the 12 months, and what kind of prizes each month has. Meaning I'm the only one who actually knows what the prizes are. The reasons for this is:
1. As I'll be providing all the prizes myself, I won't have to get the same quality prizes for each month which would make things much easier for me.
2. If the prizes are a surprise, people won't expect to much from them, and people won't review stuff for the sole purpose of being Reviewer of the Month, which again neglects the problem with the last system.
I can still promise that some months will have some decent prizes though ;).
So what do you guyz think? Hopefully this idea won't seem to farfetched, and it might be able to rekindle the club again :).
As for other news:
1. I will still be keeping the RRC pick of the Round, as people seemed to like it. The most positively acclaimed item by our members will receive a shoutout. Rather than before though, I was thinking that I'd make a poll towards the end of each round where everyone can vote on their favourite track. How this makes a difference from before, is that you can vote for tracks that you just listened to, but didn't review. Thus the tracks with less reviews can join in on the vote.
Every fourth round, I also want to make a poll that will decide the best item of the quarter, where all the RRC picks will participate, and at the end of the year these four picks will contest over which item will be the RRC pick of the year. Whoever wins this might or might not receive a stellar prize ;).
2. I thought about restructuring the way we do the update posts. As we have a good mix of games, art and music requests at times, I think it would be good to splitting up the requests into categories. I feel like sometimes the games, and especially the art" requests get drowned by all the audio requests we get. By splitting them into categories I think it would make them more noticeable.
Also, me and @cga-999 will be alternating as to who does the update posts each round, as this will lighten the load a great deal.
3. This is especially for our new members @FrameFreak2D @MegaBurner @ChaingunSnake but I assume it would be good for all of our members to get a quick little rehash as to how this club works:
Basically, if people want to get their creations reviewed, they will respond to this topic with a link to their creation. Only rules are that we do not accept sexual movies or games, or non-original content.
Every 2 weeks I or cga-999 will make an update post that includes all the requests of that "round, meaning all requests made withing 2 weeks prior to the update post. the post will include:
- All the requests spilt into games requests, audio requests, and art requests
- A shoutout to the item and the maker of the RRC Pick of the Round
- An introduction to any new members we might have gotten
- A short update as to how the club is doing and how many of the requests received a review from one of our members.
When it comes to rules for our members, there are really none. Only thing I ask is that you try to review at least one item(hopefully moore) each round, and that you try to make it helpfull. There is really no need to be doing long and detailed reviews like I do sometimes, but try to make simple comments on something you enjoyed, and something you thought could have been done better. If you think that a track is terrible, say so, but remember to also mention what you didn't like about it. If you loved a track, say so and mention at least one thing you loved about the track.
A good review can be anywhere from two sentences to 4 A4 pages long, it just depends on how you write them.
Also, you do not have to wait until the update posts before you review something. They are really only made to keep track of all the requests and give small updates on the club.
As a member perk, you will be allowed to submit two requests each round instead of the standard one. You can also use the RRC forum signature that I use(bottom of this post) in order to advertise the club, but it's all up to you :).
That's really all there is.
If you guys got any comments or additional ideas for the club, just post them here, I would love to hear them :D. I would also like hear what you guyz think about these new ideas for the club.
The first update post of the year will officially be made in exactly one week, when I've hopefully gotten all the signatures and prizes sorted out. I also want to check if there is any posibility to get original topicpost changed so that people won't think that the old rules are still in play. In the meantime feel free to review any of the tracks that has been made previously this month, and spread the word to every corner of the site!
The RRC is back......