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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club Feb 27, 2015 (edited Feb 27, 2015)

Specifically requesting review on the mastering of these tracks. These are recordings from 2011 that I decided to refresh with my latest techniques. Did I boost the bass EQ too much? Should I roll off my highpass at a higher frequency than 40hz? More or less compression? Let me know what you think!

Response to Review Request Club Feb 28, 2015

I haven't been here in AGES. But anyway,


Response to Review Request Club Feb 28, 2015

At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote: @Haggard @Artistunknown @Ectisity @mod15 @aliaspharow @MistyEntertainment @NGComicD @Soapbubble @KleptoidKat @Ceevro @cga-999

Sorry for no update tonight, spreadsheeting errors. :(

I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year. I make updates far later than I should, I don't see much review activity between most updates, and I just don't feel or see much of a point staying as the leader when I'm equally guilty of not reviewing very many things between updates. Would love to hand the club off to someone who is feeling up to it and more enthustiac about running it than I am at this point. :(

Couple months late with the reply here, but better late than never? I'm sad to hear, but I completely understand where you're coming from. The days where I could do the full list in a day or two are long gone, I barely go on NG any more, as proven by me replying three months late here :P

Uni life has taken its toll on my free time. Outside of studying, running a student org, and having coffee or drinks with friends I rarely get time to even play games these days. I hope to see the RRC running for a long time still to come though, it's always nice to pop by here when I do decide to log on.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club Mar 4, 2015

Response to Review Request Club Mar 5, 2015

short track made for a friend using a voice sample

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 6, 2015

I could really use some opinions on where to take my style from here if anyone would be kind enough to drop me a few lines.


I'm also running a review request line from my profile, so I'll go ahead and leave a few here as well. :)

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 9, 2015

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 9, 2015

At 3/9/15 03:22 AM, Andrea364 wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/612469
Just followed the thread -- forgot to earlier. Anyway, would love some feedback on these.

I like your stuff, but I'm afraid we only allow one audio request per week. Sorry 'bout that.

Response to Review Request Club Mar 10, 2015

At 3/9/15 07:21 PM, cga-999 wrote:
At 3/9/15 03:22 AM, Andrea364 wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/612469
Just followed the thread -- forgot to earlier. Anyway, would love some feedback on these.
I like your stuff, but I'm afraid we only allow one audio request per week. Sorry 'bout that.

Ah, well thanks for letting me know. Maybe just pick your favorite? haha.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 10, 2015 (edited Mar 10, 2015)

I've kind of been making experimental guitar stuff for a while and only recently decided that i should post it cos i have no idea if its good or not, i've not had much attention, but this is what i'm most proud of -

and by most proud i think it's most bearable

Response to Review Request Club Mar 13, 2015

Response to Review Request Club Mar 15, 2015

Evening all, my heartfelt tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett. Reviews appreciated, especially for an ex-member

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 18, 2015

I'd like to join this forum as a reviewer/reviewee.

For my first submission, I give you this.

I'm looking for some constructive feedback please. Thanks!

-I Support Newgrounders-

Our feelings are just chemical reactions implemented by our brain to encourage our survival and reproduction. Nothing you feel is actually real. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 19, 2015 (edited Mar 19, 2015)

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 19, 2015

At 3/18/15 07:51 PM, TheArsonist77 wrote: I'd like to join this forum as a reviewer/reviewee.

For my first submission, I give you this.
I'm looking for some constructive feedback please. Thanks!
-I Support Newgrounders-

Thx for joining the club Arsonist :D. we're always looking for new member, so it's wonderful that you want to help out.
There's no demand to review every single request on here, but if you could follow the thread and review some stuff every now and then that woul be wonderfull :). I'm going to do a mass review session where I review everything I haven't reviewed yet tomorrow. I'll also try to give this club some proper structure so it doesn't get too confusing for new members :).

Welcome to the crew :D!

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club Mar 19, 2015

Welcome to the crew :D!

Thanks for hitting me up. I'm glad to be apart of the crew. =D

Our feelings are just chemical reactions implemented by our brain to encourage our survival and reproduction. Nothing you feel is actually real. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 22, 2015

My first song on Newgrounds. It's dubstep (pretty melodic dubstep actually) and its made with FL Studio 11, using plugins Nexus and Massive. Feedback please. :3

My melodic dubstep track, give it a listen :3 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/614772

Response to Review Request Club Mar 22, 2015

Response to Review Request Club Mar 24, 2015 (edited Mar 24, 2015)

Review Request club Update
Hi Guyz :).
I think I'll start posting all the request of the week in a post every Tuesday in order to bring back some structure to this club X3. I'm also planning on picking on of the review request each week, based on the ratings by RRQ members, to be chosen RRQ pick Best Track of the Week. The winner will get a fancy forum signature or something XD.
What do you guyz think about that @cga-999 @TheArsonist77 @mod15
Would be great to hear what you guyz think about this as well if possible @NekoMika @Haggard

Requests of the Week:

Don't let the club die! Tell about it to all your friends and family ;).

Review Request Club

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club Mar 24, 2015

This is awesome. It gives our new songs a little more attention potentially and also creates some healthy competition. Definitely gives me a reason to really invest some time in this thread. I think it's great! :D

At 3/24/15 08:27 AM, Ectisity wrote: Review Request club Update
Hi Guyz :).
I think I'll start posting all the request of the week in a post every Tuesday in order to bring back some structure to this club X3. I'm also planning on picking on of the review request each week, based on the ratings by RRQ members, to be chosen RRQ pick Best Track of the Week. The winner will get a fancy forum signature or something XD.
What do you guyz think about that @cga-999 @TheArsonist77 @mod15
Would be great to hear what you guyz think about this as well if possible @NekoMika @Haggard
Requests of the Week:
Don't let the club die! Tell about it to all your friends and family ;).

Our feelings are just chemical reactions implemented by our brain to encourage our survival and reproduction. Nothing you feel is actually real. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 24, 2015

At 3/24/15 08:27 AM, Ectisity wrote:

That is a great idea! I apologize for not doing this myself, I've had some time crunch issues lately, but I love your idea!

Response to Review Request Club Mar 24, 2015

Response to Review Request Club Mar 24, 2015

At 3/24/15 03:50 PM, TheArsonist77 wrote: This is awesome. It gives our new songs a little more attention potentially and also creates some healthy competition. Definitely gives me a reason to really invest some time in this thread. I think it's great! :D
At 3/24/15 08:27 AM, Ectisity wrote: Review Request club Update


Here's my latest.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 25, 2015

Was playing around with a new sound. Let me know if this interests you. If I get positive feedback, i'll work on a song similar to this feel and see if you guys like it. Thanks! :D

Our feelings are just chemical reactions implemented by our brain to encourage our survival and reproduction. Nothing you feel is actually real. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 26, 2015

At 3/15/15 05:03 PM, Coop wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/projects/view/845121
Evening all, my heartfelt tribute to Sir Terry Pratchett. Reviews appreciated, especially for an ex-member

Wow, that should have been a different link:

There we go, now you should be able to listen to it!

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 27, 2015

Looks like the RRC is under new management. Glad to see that we're keeping this thing going.

Would like a review on this. Equilibria is a collab group between me and my friend Ionic Force, and this is one of the singles in our upcoming EP.

(Forewarning, the track is fairly loud compared to a lot of the NGAP tracks, so it would be a good idea to turn down the volume a bit before listening.)

Response to Review Request Club Mar 28, 2015

Looking for composition and production criticism, thank you in advance guys

Response to Review Request Club Mar 28, 2015

Hey guys, wrote another song today. Definitely put some effort into getting a cleaner sound and adding a little bass. I feel my overall quality is increasing and I definitely could use some feedback. Thanks.


Our feelings are just chemical reactions implemented by our brain to encourage our survival and reproduction. Nothing you feel is actually real. Welcome to my Ted Talk.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club Mar 28, 2015

Response to Review Request Club Apr 1, 2015