I've been busy.. ;)
Second request since I got back, and this one I really am proud of! Please take a listen and enjoy!
Something about Chuck Norris and music
www.tommyforsback.com - Anagram for "softbarmymock"
I've been busy.. ;)
Second request since I got back, and this one I really am proud of! Please take a listen and enjoy!
Something about Chuck Norris and music
www.tommyforsback.com - Anagram for "softbarmymock"
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 23996
Hey, I'm looking to get noticed and it would be great if you could review this and tell me what you think.
<a> http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 24441 <a>
please review ? :)
Pretty please review my song? :)
At 6/3/11 11:12 AM, MrRandomist wrote: <a> http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 24441 <a>
please review ? :)
The best way to get your song printed for a BBS post is to put some text above it, a line of space, then the url
Like this.
I found this guy while audio-modding. He has some nice art, and since we're in need of art requests, I thought I should request one of his art pieces.
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
A trance song I made. I'm proud of my self for finally making a decent trance song after 8 months of practice. Now I have to get good at other genres haha. Tell me what you guys think :)
19 x 5
19 x 1
95 + 19 = 114+3(post)= 117+7(done) = 124
Ah, finals are coming up. I really hope i got this job too T_T Gonna be busy this summer, which is what I want.
I'll make sure to sneak in a review or two though : P
Photo(sketch) from a DA artist. Background from an old pub in Europe. Magic done in photoshop.
Utada avatar done by me and a sexy looking stock.
For points since joining a couple days ago: 1x5 + 1x1 + 3 = 8 - sorry about that measly number: was awfully busy this week camping and all.
On to reviewing a lot more audio now that I've got time!
Time to cash in a favour with you guys:
I'll get back on the track for some reviews.
I require a review on one thing, and I don't have time to read the list of points and what not. I'm leaving town in 30 minutes, have yet to pack, and am running behind. I ask that you review my Dynamite 8-Bit piece. Peas and Franks. http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 24052
Two consecutive zero votes later, I have realized that Sunday is not a good day to submit music. The douchebags of Newgrounds are out in force. Is it really that bad?
I request you to review my song - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 25200
A little dnb liquid wip.. tell me how it is and what i should do and improve on.. I will gladly accept anyone elses opinion too :P
I've been experimenting with a different style of music, (things that sound evil).
I want to know what you think of it
Would like some feedback on this guy here :)
thank you in advance
May I kindly get a review on this:
thanks in advance
At 6/6/11 09:19 AM, SCTE3 wrote: 100% complete
117 points for week and I do believe I have reached 3,000 before SuperSteph54, amazing!!
Well I was close. Only 3 reviews left and I would've reached it before you.
Anyway, expect the update later tonight - I've got piano lessons and I want to at least finish those last 3 reviews to get to 3,000 this update.
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
A great week this time round. We've got the standard 2 100% completions by SCTE3 and YumeSin, so another pat on the back goes to them for keeping up their large 100% streak. We've got a new member (thankfully an audio artist to help us out with the big amount of audio requests :P) and nobody forgot a sig. Stats are nice, and the max amount of RRC reviews on one request was 4. The bad part of this week is that two members reached their limit of inactivity - joeyjoah and sixflab. Bye guys :(.
Regarding milestones, SCTE3 and I managed to pass 3,000 total points (it's about time I did, haha) and we're only one or two updates away from 7k total reviews. Think about that, one club alone did 7,000 of all the reviews on Newgrounds, all of which are helpful/detailed, not counting all of the reviews of the old club. That's a pretty damn cool stat. Also, this is the first time in months someone passed me in the list, congrats SCTE3 :P.
Also I'll be going abroad at the end of this month. I've edited the spreadsheets to make them more user-friendly (with notes on each sheet to guide whoever's doing the updates while I'm gone). I'll be giving a quick run-down on how to update so MSN will help but it isn't necessary. As I already said in an earlier post, some basic knowledge of Excel is needed, but you don't need to be an Excel mastermind. If anyone wishes to take over, just send me a PM or post in this thread, and try and notify me sometime soon.
So, all in all, it was a good week, and good luck for next week. Also, on an unrelated note, now that I wrote 11 reviews this week I realised that I forgot how much I enjoyed reviewing for the club after so many weeks doing only one or two reviews here and there. It also feels nice to be able to wait for myself before updating :3.
Enjoy the update!
Member's Update #86
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7582 | 1181 / 2164 | 054.57% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Coop
02 ) 7377 | 1145 / 2168 | 052.81% || 015 | 02 / 19 | 010.53% | Haggard
03 ) 3056 | 0470 / 0519 | 090.56% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | SCTE3
04 ) 3002 | 0451 / 2043 | 022.08% || 069 | 11 / 19 | 057.89% | Supersteph54
05 ) 0517 | 0077 / 0077 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | YumeSin
06 ) 0115 | 0018 / 0076 | 023.68% || 000 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | Omega-Ravager ***
07 ) 0078 | 0012 / 0098 | 012.24% || 000 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | aliaspharow **
08 ) 0009 | 0001 / 0019 | 005.26% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | DonCarrera NEW!
The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive last week
**: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last three weeks
If you are inactive for more than three weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than four weeks, you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.
*Requests This Week: 19
Total Requests All Time: 2183
Reviews Made This Week: 53
Total Reviews All Time: 6953
Average Per Member: 6.62
Average Per Request: 2.78
Sigs Forgotten: 0
*New to the List: DonCarrera
Leaving the List: joeyjoah and sixflab
*All Requests Completed:
YumeSin and SCTE3
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
At 6/6/11 04:07 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Think about that, one club alone did 7,000 of all the reviews on Newgrounds, all of which are helpful/detailed, not counting all of the reviews of the old club.
Amazing. :)
Member's Update #86
Thanks for the update!
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7582 | 1181 / 2164 | 054.57% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Coop
02 ) 7377 | 1145 / 2168 | 052.81% || 015 | 02 / 19 | 010.53% | Haggard
03 ) 3056 | 0470 / 0519 | 090.56% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | SCTE3
04 ) 3002 | 0451 / 2043 | 022.08% || 069 | 11 / 19 | 057.89% | Supersteph54
05 ) 0517 | 0077 / 0077 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | YumeSin
All of the top 5 have done some reviews, this looks pretty cool. Glad I could manage to get 2 reviews done. I try to write 3 reviews tomorrow, because I won't have time to review after that. I will be away on Thursday and I don't think I have too much free time on Wednesday.
Would you guys mind to review this please?
Good day!
The Hobo Dude
Can you review my song digital chaos too? It isn't quite as good, and so I think I can learn abit from it.
I would officially like to resign from the Review Request Club if possible due to both an immense lack of time and having more pressing matters IMO. I'm sorry if my ever-so-short membership wasn't exceptionally fruitful (which it really wasn't), but real life beckons and I just have to give it up. Again, my... uh, dearest condolences, I guess.
At 6/8/11 08:23 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
You're welcome back anytime you wish. Real life issues come before doing anything on the internet.
Hey, thanks a ton. And, uh, are we allowed to suggest others people's tracks here? I know a few GREAT songs that have been almost completely overlooked, and that I feel deserve a bit more publicity than what they currently have. Or is that option for members only now >8^Y ?
Oh well, at least I did one review... now I'm off until Monday!
At 5/31/11 07:34 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: 06 ) 0183 | 0025 / 0169 | 014.79% || 003 | 00 / 10 | 000.00% | sixflab **
At 6/6/11 04:07 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Leaving the List: joeyjoah and sixflab
:( I thought I had until next week to do a review. Maybe I shouldn't be so inactive in the first place though.
Hey guys. Don't know if anyone remembers me. I'm not looking to sign up quite yet, but I fear I'll have a lot of free time on my hands this summer, and all my games and work can only suck up so much of my life. I also have my last final next week, but I'll start reviewing these things, hope you don't mind me signing it with Review Request Club?
I might rejoin after my final. I just need to make sure that I actually have time to review. No point in joining if I only get about 30% done each week.
I made this, and I think its a step up in my music making skill. But since you guys are more keen in sound quality then me, I wanted to know what you thought of it
I have another audio request, and I don't know if I am allowed to ask you to review it, because it is a work in progress song. But, I just wan't to know if I'm going in the right direction.
So here is the link to the song: