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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-04 13:11:50


Hello! Welcome to the new Review Request Club thread. This thread is meant to give the club a fresh start and make it a pleasant place to stay. In order to do this, it goes without saying that you must follow the regular BBS rules and read the C&C Advice Thread before posting if you are new to this forum.

This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.

To the requesters:
Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as he submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:

- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.
- Make no more than 3 Flash and Art requests between two updates (that's one week), and no more than 3 Audio Requests between 5 updates (that's four weeks).
- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and some of them are statwho... oh wait, interested in stats.
- Be patient. Due to the points system, you may not see reviews until up to two weeks after you requested, or if you requested more than 1 Audio submission, you may not see reviews on your second submission up until 3 weeks after you requested, and you may not see reviews on your third submission up until 4 weeks after you requested.
- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.
- Do NOT simply say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.
- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.
- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.
- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, not to be critically analyzed.
- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.

To the reviewers:
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be helpful, developed and well-organised. If you need help with writing good reviews, read Fro's guide to writing helpful reviews.

Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club, once you understand how the point system works, please post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned during the week. This is considered as a sort of application form, and if you fail to do so, you will NOT be added to the club.

Points System:
List updaters will keep track of each member's points in order to build a list. You don't need to post your points before each update but you can keep track of your score on your own so any error can be fixed. This is how points are counted:

5 points for a review on a requested submission (movie, game, art, or audio).
1 point for writing "Review Request Club" at the bottom of a requested review.
3 points for posting at least once throughout the two weeks.
5 points for referring a new member (must mention you in first post).
7 points for reviewing all requests/recommendations between two updates.

Club Updates:
Each Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, counting up their points, featuring various stats and posting a list of requested submissions. Assuming you review the submissions in that list, you will get points for them accordingly in the following members' update, around a week later.

Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait :).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should we have an FAQ?
I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill.

Why a new thread?
The main idea was to give the club a new and fresh start. Since the old one was flooded by requests and not updated any more, the RRC regulars thought creating a new thread would be best for the club.

Should I link to the club in my forum signature?
There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.

RRC Signature?
Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll get +1 point if you put the RRC signature in your review. You can add anything you want to it, E.G.: *Review Request Club*, |Review Request Club|, -Review Request Club-, etc, but as long as 'Review Request Club' is clearly written, you will get the point. You are also allowed to add the sig in any reviews other than requests in this club, as long as you are a club member yourself. It's all the more exposure for the club, and it's very much appreciated.

+1 point if I put the RRC signature in my review... I'm not sure if I get it correctly.
You gain 6 points for a review on a request with "Review Request Club" in the end of it, as opposed to 5 points if you hadn't added the signature at the end. If it's still not clear, read this.

Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?
No. It must be an NG submission. If you have a non-NG submission which you would like us to review, then use your common sense and upload it to NG. Also, we will only review using the 'Write a Review' method on submissions. We won't send reviews by PM, review in your newspost or review in any particular thread of yours.

Do I have to review all the requests?
No you don't have to, just do your best :). Though completing them all will give you 7 extra points.

Which requests should I review?
If you want to get points for the next member's update, look for the latest requests list in the club thread and review the requests from that list. If you review any requests from various posts in the thread which would have been posted after the latest requests list, you will be getting points for the member's update after the next one.

can u review allz mah flashz guise? kthxbai.

If you have more questions, feel free to post about it in the thread or PM a member and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.


That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to milinko959 for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates.

Have fun!

Useful links: RRC - The point system, clarified, Fro's Guide to Writing Helpful Reviews, Fro's Guide to Writing Good Reviews

Resources: Old Review Request Club thread, Club info, Google.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-04 19:08:42

long time no see

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 00:41:29

The end...

Watch Shark Black HERE Watch CoolJaw HERE

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 00:53:09

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 11:29:11

hey i just heard of you guys really good idea, as im often cautious about asking friends for opinios as i often wonder if there saying somethig is good so as not to hurt my feelings.

anyway to the point, wouldn't mind a review for this one was a bit gutted my its score so far.

sorry dont know how to post links so that you get the disk icon.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 11:30:15

At 9/5/10 11:29 AM, horsebugger wrote:
sorry dont know how to post links so that you get the disk icon.

ok aparetlly i do

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 11:34:38

Just saying that there are loads of audio submissions which have no RRC reviews yet. I'll be updating tomorrow so if anyone has the time to review them that'd be great. I'd review them myself but I have computer problems and have no access to sound right now :(.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 15:56:53

Working on that Puzzle Collab thing and thought I might as well request of a review of what I'm currently working on.

It's the midi version, so obviously nothing about mixing and mastering can be criticized yet.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-05 18:02:03

My newest song, tried a style I'm not necessarely at ease with, so keep that in mind.

Also, I'd like to point out that besides sixflabs, nobody really reviews audios. It's kind of dissapointing to know that the reviewers -thought I know do the best they can- neglect the audio section because of it's large size. In my opinion, if a section has more demand, you should put more effort into it. Just a thought...

Thanks in advance!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 02:00:56

At 9/5/10 11:34 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Just saying that there are loads of audio submissions which have no RRC reviews yet. I'll be updating tomorrow so if anyone has the time to review them that'd be great. I'd review them myself but I have computer problems and have no access to sound right now :(.

That really sucks. I did 3 more audio reviews today but sadly that still leaves 5 more without a review from the club.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 11:40:29

my stuff I requested has got like no reviews...

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 12:17:18

Hi guiz! Uh yeah I got another lol I'm actually very proud of this one. I'd love some reviews :)

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 14:20:38

At 9/6/10 02:00 AM, sixflab wrote:
At 9/5/10 11:34 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Just saying that there are loads of audio submissions which have no RRC reviews yet. I'll be updating tomorrow so if anyone has the time to review them that'd be great. I'd review them myself but I have computer problems and have no access to sound right now :(.
That really sucks. I did 3 more audio reviews today but sadly that still leaves 5 more without a review from the club.

I've just done another review, so that leaves 4 without a review... Maybe I can do some more reviews tomorrow, but I don't think I have the time to do any more today. :/

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 14:37:51

Darn it, I really wish I could help.

Anyway, I'll update tomorrow in that case, it's only fair since I updated on Tuesday last time anyway.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 15:31:30

imma just leave this here and i'l be on my way. bye.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 22:01:50

Sorry, couldn't wait, here's my second audio request:

Thanks alot for doing this, thought I hope I'll get more than one review...

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-06 22:04:43

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to review this!

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-07 01:40:36

If you can wait updating until Wensday, I will review the remaining four tomorrow,
what are they?

- Celx

At 9/5/10 11:34 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Just saying that there are loads of audio submissions which have no RRC reviews yet. I'll be updating tomorrow so if anyone has the time to review them that'd be great. I'd review them myself but I have computer problems and have no access to sound right now :(.

Watch Shark Black HERE Watch CoolJaw HERE

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-07 04:41:06

Please review my first flash game:

A top down shooter known as Droid Grids:

NOTE: It seems that all the negative reviews were because the game didn't load for some people.

The game was tested in

Flash Player 10

(it was exported for flash player 9)

and encrypted with secureSWF.

if the game doesn't load properly than you may be using an older version of flash player.

Check out the demo for Droid Grids

http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/vi ew/561794

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-07 09:11:46

"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0." | Review Request Club | New Rating System

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 05:26:35

I'm going to update today, hopefully we'll have all the requests reviewed by then :).

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 09:33:23

Hey guys,

Hey everybody this is real sudden but I'm quitting Newgrounds, and thus am quitting review request club. I have done much thinking and talking to God and I think it's time we split ways. Because reviewing and making music has consumed much of my life, that I haven't had enough time to cultivate my relationship with God as much anymore. That's why I'm leaving, and burning bridges. I hope you all understand.

I also leave saying that Jesus is the way the truth and the life, and no-one comes to the Father (God) except through him. So I encourage you to believe in Jesus because he died on the cross for your sins, was buried and then rose again.

Thank you all for having me,


"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0." | Review Request Club | New Rating System

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 16:04:33

Aww dammit when I was almost done with the requests list the browser suddenly closed. I'll start again, I suppose...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 16:51:20

There. No browser closing this time.

A big requests list, and not that well balanced either. There are 5 less Art Requests than last time and 11 more Audio Requests, making them pile up to a massive 25 Audio Requests, but on the bright side, there are 2 more Flash Requests and the number of Extra Audio Requests is still staying pretty low.

Good luck to everyone, we're going to need it :(.

Also on an unrelated note, I just realised that at the end of almost every request which had a bracket at the end (e.g., the first Flash Request), I wrote a semi-colon down out of habit. I've been programming too much...

Flash Requests (6)
Annoying Orange: Cartoon! By Jet (up-a-notch)
Dino Jeff Jet Pack Adven By PabMo
Meat Collab -Sausage's TV By liljoey50
CoolJaw: Dreaming Darkly By Celx R (Celx-Requin)
I am the walrus! By Jet (up-a-notch)
Droid Grids Beta v0.15.1 By glider521al

Audio Requests (25)
Philosophia By Justin Benoit Belanger (The-Hobo-Dude)
Deadmau5 Style By Tristen Grafton (Dj-GST)
Stargenx - Dreamland By Stargenx
Ode to Shalashaska-1 By Will Cooper (Coop83)
The Sad Violin By mindmaster123
[MC Crispy] - Freestyle 1 By chrisG755
Rest In Peace By Cimba
SN | No Known Maker | SN By SessileNomad
MD2010-Fathom By superuberinsaneausm
We Can Make It By XeroBlaze
[S] Electronegativity By Screch
>DJ< The Abyss By borntodj167
[dj-Jo] Madness Trepidation By Joseph (dj-Jo)
[SxHx+Issa Israel] Party Life By shesmackshard
A Space Odyssey (MF Remix) By Travis Bazanele (BAZmotherfucker)
Finding Your Place By BuggMusic
pero By horsebugger
Puzzle Collab Entry Demo #2 By WizMystery
.:Into your Heart:. By Samuel Hebert (camoshark)
Sonic (MegaRemix) By Colt (Blackdoom13)
Wake up the neighborhood By Joao Pedro (jpgregorio)
Wildcard By Dan (Cabbster)
[SpXer] Quick! (x5) By Benny Jones (spartacusxerox)
Stop smoking By MonoFlauta
Dubstep Tibet By stanthedog

Art Requests (1)
Meatboy Calendar Submission By EJR

Extra Audio Requests (4)
BAZ - Trippy Lemonade Dub By Travis Bazanele (BAZmotherfucker)
Random Exercise In Complexity By Travis Bazanele (BAZmotherfucker)
.:Duh?:. By Samuel Hebert (camoshark)
Ghouls Chasing Ghosts By stanthedog

People who have exhausted their 3 audio requests a month are:

Please wait until next month before requesting again :).

At 9/5/10 06:02 PM, camoshark wrote:

Sorry for the late answer, didn't see your post.

Also, I'd like to point out that besides sixflabs, nobody really reviews audios. It's kind of dissapointing to know that the reviewers -thought I know do the best they can- neglect the audio section because of it's large size. In my opinion, if a section has more demand, you should put more effort into it. Just a thought...

Hmm... You have to remember that the two main reviewers, Coop83 and Haggard, have been reviewing all the Audio, Flash and Art submissions every week for literally years, and since the Audio Requests are always so numerous, combined with the fact that most of them sound the same since they're your typical generic House/Trance/Techno song, that is quite an achievement, and it's surprising they kept on going till only a few a months ago.

Not only that, but a good number of the members aren't very experienced in audio and would much rather review flash and art. There's only me and a few other individuals who are active in the Audio Portal here in the club, and I don't review much either nowadays because I always have so much to do.

I see where you're going, but the only things we can do right now are trying to reduce the amount of Audio Requests and find some audio reviewers who might be interested in joining the club. Thanks for the feedback though.

Member's Update is coming shortly.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 16:53:19

At 9/8/10 04:51 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: People who have exhausted their 3 audio requests a month are:

Darn it, made a mistake.

People who have exhausted their 3 audio requests a month are:

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 17:12:15

Submissions that haven't been reviewed yet:

It'd be great if we could get these reviewed. If any member reviews any of them then tell me and I'll give him/her his/her deserving points

Yay, quadruple post...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 17:41:32

Ouch, I'm not going to lie, this isn't such a good update. 4 submissions were left without a review, the stats are low and we've lost two members, spartacusxerox on request and ChampionAnwar due to inactivity. Almost half of the members were inactive, and less than a third managed to do a good amount of reviews, unfortunately. Fro, Animith and mrty, all very good reviewers, are unfortunately getting closer to the limit of inactivity before they get removed from the club. Hate to be the bearer of bad news :(.

The gap between Coop83 and Haggard is getting smaller though. Coop83 only has a few more points to regain his rank of first place in the list.

Anyway, that's about it. Let's hope the club's luck gets a bit better in the following weeks!

Oh, and this is my fifth consecutive post, and I'll have to make a sixth to post the club info in the new page too. That's like the second largest post combo I've seen in the NG BBS. D:


Member's Update #53
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 6736 | 1053 / 1431 | 73.58% || 063 | 10 / 24 | 041.67% | Haggard
02 ) 6719 | 1050 / 1430 | 73.43% || 081 | 13 / 24 | 054.17% | Coop83
03 ) 3564 | 0551 / 1402 | 39.30% || 000 | 00 / 24 | 000.00% | Fro **
04 ) 2777 | 0430 / 1310 | 32.82% || 015 | 02 / 24 | 008.33% | Supersteph54
05 ) 1946 | 0308 / 0666 | 46.25% || 000 | 00 / 24 | 000.00% | Animith **
06 ) 1755 | 0283 / 0484 | 58.47% || 033 | 05 / 24 | 020.83% | sixflab
07 ) 1189 | 0191 / 0262 | 72.90% || 000 | 00 / 24 | 000.00% | Soapbubble *
08 ) 0854 | 0127 / 1023 | 12.41% || 003 | 00 / 24 | 000.00% | Celx-Requin *
09 ) 0108 | 0017 / 0118 | 14.41% || 012 | 02 / 24 | 008.33% | ThePigeonMaster
10 ) 0105 | 0015 / 0237 | 06.33% || 000 | 00 / 24 | 000.00% | mrty **

The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
**: User has been inactive for the last four weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last six weeks
****: User has been inactive for the last eight weeks

If you are inactive for more than six weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than eight weeks you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.

*Requests This Week: 24
Total Requests All Time: 1452
Reviews Made This Week: 32
Total Reviews All Time: 5174
Average Per Member: 3.20
Average Per Request: 1.33
Sigs Forgotten: 0

*New to the List: None
Leaving the List: spartacusxerox (on request) and ChampionAnwar

*All Requests Completed:
None :(.



Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 17:43:11


Hello! Welcome to the new Review Request Club thread. This thread is meant to give the club a fresh start and make it a pleasant place to stay. In order to do this, it goes without saying that you must follow the regular BBS rules and read the C&C Advice Thread before posting if you are new to this forum.

This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.

To the requesters:
Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as he submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:

- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.
- Make no more than 3 Flash and Art requests between two updates (that's one week), and no more than 3 Audio Requests between 5 updates (that's four weeks).
- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and some of them are statwho... oh wait, interested in stats.
- Be patient. Due to the points system, you may not see reviews until up to two weeks after you requested, or if you requested more than 1 Audio submission, you may not see reviews on your second submission up until 3 weeks after you requested, and you may not see reviews on your third submission up until 4 weeks after you requested.
- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.
- Do NOT simply say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.
- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.
- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.
- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, not to be critically analyzed.
- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.

To the reviewers:
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be helpful, developed and well-organised. If you need help with writing good reviews, read Fro's guide to writing helpful reviews.

Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club, once you understand how the point system works, please post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned during the week. This is considered as a sort of application form, and if you fail to do so, you will NOT be added to the club.

Points System:
List updaters will keep track of each member's points in order to build a list. You don't need to post your points before each update but you can keep track of your score on your own so any error can be fixed. This is how points are counted:

5 points for a review on a requested submission (movie, game, art, or audio).
1 point for writing "Review Request Club" at the bottom of a requested review.
3 points for posting at least once throughout the two weeks.
5 points for referring a new member (must mention you in first post).
7 points for reviewing all requests/recommendations between two updates.

Club Updates:
Each Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, counting up their points, featuring various stats and posting a list of requested submissions. Assuming you review the submissions in that list, you will get points for them accordingly in the following members' update, around a week later.

Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait :).

Frequently Asked Questions:

Should we have an FAQ?
I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill.

Why a new thread?
The main idea was to give the club a new and fresh start. Since the old one was flooded by requests and not updated any more, the RRC regulars thought creating a new thread would be best for the club.

Should I link to the club in my forum signature?
There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.

RRC Signature?
Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll get +1 point if you put the RRC signature in your review. You can add anything you want to it, E.G.: *Review Request Club*, |Review Request Club|, -Review Request Club-, etc, but as long as 'Review Request Club' is clearly written, you will get the point. You are also allowed to add the sig in any reviews other than requests in this club, as long as you are a club member yourself. It's all the more exposure for the club, and it's very much appreciated.

+1 point if I put the RRC signature in my review... I'm not sure if I get it correctly.
You gain 6 points for a review on a request with "Review Request Club" in the end of it, as opposed to 5 points if you hadn't added the signature at the end. If it's still not clear, read this.

Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?
No. It must be an NG submission. If you have a non-NG submission which you would like us to review, then use your common sense and upload it to NG. Also, we will only review using the 'Write a Review' method on submissions. We won't send reviews by PM, review in your newspost or review in any particular thread of yours.

Do I have to review all the requests?
No you don't have to, just do your best :). Though completing them all will give you 7 extra points.

Which requests should I review?
If you want to get points for the next member's update, look for the latest requests list in the club thread and review the requests from that list. If you review any requests from various posts in the thread which would have been posted after the latest requests list, you will be getting points for the member's update after the next one.

can u review allz mah flashz guise? kthxbai.

If you have more questions, feel free to post about it in the thread or PM a member and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.


That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to milinko959 for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates.

Have fun!

Useful links: RRC - The point system, clarified, Fro's Guide to Writing Helpful Reviews, Fro's Guide to Writing Good Reviews

Resources: Old Review Request Club thread, Club info, Google.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-09-08 23:07:35

Yeah, sorry for sounding like such a douche, it just needed to be said. It just feels frustrating to ask for reviews and only get one, thought I feel that Coop83 felt a bit targeted or something, since he got a boost at reviewing audios(or at least mine...)

Again, sorry for the rudeness, I know you're all doing your best.
Heck, I might even give hand if I find the time, As I enjoy reviewing myself!

Samuel Hébert