At 8/26/18 07:59 AM, RightTime wrote:
That might work for people who don't clean out their game data when they close their browser, but for those that do it may not. I've played plenty of medal games where that was an issue. Not everyone interacts with the site the same way nor does everyone get medals to unlock the same way. What works for you may not work for others.
Here's a medal tip for you. Don't clean out your browser cache while trying to collect medals in games unless absolutely necessary. There are many medals which require one to reload the page and play the game again to obtain. You will never earn any of these medals if you don't stop clearing browser cache all the time.
The only time to clear browser cache in regards to medals is when the medal was earned but cheated from you *and* reloading the game and playing for about 10 to 15 minutes or so doesn't suffice for the medals awarding on your profile.
And I find it quite laughable you recommend people clear their browser cache after every play and present a method which takes 4 hours (if medals connection doesn't break by that time, which it often will in games) and meanwhile I present a better method which takes roughly 10 minutes, which you poo poo only because you unfortunately hadn't thought of it first before spending hours.
Rather than be thankful someone presented an improved means of obtaining the medals you just got mad about it.
This thread really isn't appropriate for your armchair critiquing of the site. Its not a medal game tip or trick. There are endless other places you can and have done that. Try to restrict it to those areas next time.
Nice backseat modding there. Are you a moderator? Didn't think so.
And it is relevant because it is precisely those types of games which frequently do have medals problems or need workarounds for obtaining them.