I really have to thank @PulseLane for this.
As some of you may know, I was cheated out of Beat Weedman, Beat Weedman So Slow, and Beat Weedman So High medals. I thought they were broken as they never awarded for me, and also it never recorded any times for me and my "Weedplays" would not save correctly for some reason.
Well I watched PulseLane's "Weedplay". This game is so stupid! In order to obtain the Beat Weedman, Beat Weedman So Slow, or Beat Weedman So High medals, on the last screen you have to take the girl, then move left for some completely bat logic reason and somehow don't die.
What I had been doing was jumping over the girl and escaping out the exit stage right. Since it's possible to pixel perfect land left of the girl without picking her up, you can do that, then jump over her, then run out the exit to your right. Well if you do that way you'll still beat the game and get the same ending, just it'll never award you any of those three particular medals. (You can get all other medals doing it this way however)
My "Weedplays" still won't save correctly and are all corrupted and won't play back, which is a real shame. The one I had saved (which displays only the broken jpeg picture) was of my perfect run through the game, no deaths. And that would have been damn impressive for people to watch and it took a lot of tries to do as well. At least people can get all the medals now. (Well, provided they have the skill required for this super hard game!)