At 1/22/17 01:13 PM, HerbieG wrote:
There is one thing I wanted to ask about, it isn't particularly related to any game or medals being broken, so I put it here.
The situation is like this: you play a medal game, you click on one of the medals to check it or to check if it has unlocked and either it works in a normal way or you cannot enter that medal menu at all. The most important is what occurs next: when you try to open anything else on Newgrounds in the meantime, you get a notification "You are making too many requests". Why some games are causing this to happen? Are those games overloading the connection to Newgrounds API?
That Aventuras do Sr Riso game does that crap big time!
That's one thing I was trying to explain which might actually be related to broken medals as well, since that game has one broken medal, the "Circus Saved" one, despite mods (or at least Shantom) not wanting to agree with me it's broken. (It actually is broken)
And that's what I'm saying too. If a game is literally spamming the Newgrounds connections and, IMO, actually harming Newgrounds itself, whether due to malicious intent or, more likely, sheer incompetence and faulty code, then maybe it's best if those sorts of games just don't even have medals, since clearly it's detrimental to the site itself.