Just a few tips.
There are 3 body types: Normal, fat, and buff. Descriptions for these are easy to understand.
There are two head types. Long and round. The descriptions are pretty easy to figure out - head like a football is round.
There are 3 to 5 age categories. Very old, old, middle age, young. There are various descriptions for age. Some are easy to figure out, others are a little harder. But it's hard to know what the age cutoff begins or ends.
There are description of what they might wear. Some describe them as looking wealthy, while others describe them as being academic, or messy. In my experience, this is all a bit iffy, because it's hard to tell what makes a character look academic or wealthy.
Other descriptions tell you their character traits, like social status, ideology, career, mood, mental state, wither they drink, married, or are divorced. All of these can be found out by questioning a character.
It's all a process of elimination. Focus on the body and head, then age - if you get all 3 descriptions you can pretty much figure which character it is. Once you found all the characters that might fit one or more of those descriptions, question them, which indicate more about them. The more suspects you question the more you open up clues that show the clothes they wear. The red square underneath them mean they are not reliable, while green shows you what they are wearing.
If you are given very few descriptions on age, body, or head, it is usually made up in the number of character trait descriptions. What I mean by this is if you are given just the body size, and the rest are trait descriptions, you have to find a character that has 2 or more character traits - that can open up when you question them.
Basically, you just go by the available description for their body, head, and age, and pick the best character from that - BUT DON'T QUESTION THEM! Make your arrest. You'll come to a point where they'll announce if they are guilty or not guilty. If they find them guilty you get 6 AP, and you can continue. If they find them "not guilty", refresh the page, and it will act as if you never took the case - as long as you didn't question any of them. You can do this indefinitely, and it won't afect you're winning streak, or promotion. Of course, this will get harder and harder as there will be more and more suspects you'll have to choose from. I got over 170 AP doing this, and up to 30 streak, reaching my final promotion. But it's up to you. You can build up enough AP points and start questioning them to save time - because I had a lot of "not guilty", and had to refresh a lot.
Hope this helps