At 9/28/13 10:40 PM, WonderTheHedgehog wrote:
Is it just me or do the medals in this game:
not post to your "recent game medals" list. On top of that, it seems that even after earning other medals, the points never add to the total either. The medals clearly show that they are unlocked in the game page and here. It seems rather odd that only this game would be affected by such a glitch.
The game is also not listed on the 'Games With Medals' page and doesn't register to our medal walls. I've seen this happen with another game, but that's about it. It seems like if medals are implemented with some slight error, pretty insane glitches can occur. For instance, I included a screenshot of what happened to your userpage after playing some older game. All it took to mess up your lay-out like that, was 1 single medal! When I got rid of it, everything was looking just fine.
The glitch you mentioned definitely gets noted, but it's more important to me to get issues fixed that affect the entire medal system as a whole. You know my go-to answer by now, and while it frustrates me a bit as well, we need to remember Newgrounds is undergoing some huge changes, and the staff is working hard to keep the site going. I'm trying my best to remind them our community really need their assistance.