At 3/29/12 05:00 AM, Fooliolo wrote:
Arena mode medals seem like a huge grind. It's nice and fun, but the red dudes really ruin your day in the higher waves. All my money for Sanford's hook plz! But yeah, hopefully I'll get an estimate on how long it takes to get the Genocider medal, as the early levels for ramping up your power and abilities don't give me an accurate picture of the long-run.
I finally got some numbers for estimating the amount of time you need to get the Genocider medal.
For version 1.5:
-- Every 12th wave, you'll face a number of regular G0L3M enemies. 1 on wave 12, 2 on wave 24, 3 on wave 36, etc.
-- Beyond wave 36, you'll also face an extra regular and red G0L3M. We all know how super sucky it is to deal with red G0L3Ms, so I opt to not continue further than wave 36.
-- Wave 29 is when the special agents (yellow unitech headwear or w/e you want to call them) start appearing en masse. I investigated the possibility that it might not be worth continuing beyond that point, since they have a beefy Tac-Bar, and they are pretty dodge-happy.
Run conditions:
-- I did runs without any squadmates. Their kills do not count towards your career total.
-- My character has maxed stats.
-- I brought two M-249s every time. There's a glitch atm where attachments may be rendered useless (range, accuracy), and conversely they may appear for no reason on other copies of the weapon.
-- I unequip myself on the wave that I suicide. You lose your weapons if you die.
When I beat wave 12, approximately 9 minutes have passed. 427 kills were added. 47.444 kills per minute.
Wave 24, 19 minutes, 1016 kills. 53.474 kills per minute.
Wave 35, 30 minutes, 1548 kills. 51.600 kills per minute.
I suicided on wave 36.
Factoring in the time wasted for me to suicide, the kills per minute figures change to 38.818, 48.381, and 48.375 respectively.
Based on the estimated optimal kills per minute number (achieved around wave 29 or so), I estimated that the amount of time required to get the Genocider medal is 18.4 hours of nonstop playing. Realistically though, factoring in human error and the fact that you start your career at level 1, the total play time is more likely 25 hours.