At 4/5/12 08:31 PM, SFS1313 wrote: Thanks for doing the legwork on it, VJF. I PM'd Tom about this game, as well as the other game that was submitted as I think they're stolen, as I found the same games from other sites (the "author" even used the logos of the other sites in the games) that were at least a few years old. A few of the reviews even stated they were stolen, so I kinda figured it be best to do that. I wouldn't be surprised if the uploader actually turned out to be Epicman.
I did find the original game that was submitted to this site under the REAL author's profile, however, I can't prove that it is the same game because it no longer loads (at least not on I.E.).
The Real Castle Defender submitted by UltimateArcade:
Like I said, it doesn't load so I can't prove that the person who submitted the game today stole it, but since you are in touch with Tom already, maybe you can send this along in another PM as semi proof if he needs it.
"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.