At 3/27/12 12:51 AM, SFS1313 wrote: Double post again, but this one's new...
Though, I'm not sure if some of the medals are working (or if its just me). I'm sure I detonated the right amount of each firework, but no medals. Plus, it doesn't save, nor does it have a way to go back to the menu to check to see your progress toward the medal.
Those complaints aside however, it is a pretty fun game.
It actually is a fun game, and I ended up getting ablut 5 or 6 medals from it. However, the ones where you have to destroy 75 of whatever kind of firework didn't work for me. Also, I could only get to level 21, and when I did, it was blank, and I couldn't go any farther.
"You're a bit of a ghoul - aren't you?"---ZeroAsALimit.