At 10/15/11 10:10 PM, EdyKel wrote: New Game. 3738
Has anyone played this game on Kongregate and known (lol tense agreement) how to copy the .sol? The Kongregate version is properly in the game folder and called Gamifier.sol, while for Newgrounds it's loose in the folder and called Linx.sol (however, there is an empty folder for its ID). I tried copying the .sol to each place and either renaming it or not, but nothing worked :/ I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to go through it again (pretty sure I didn't even need the walkthrough for this one, it was fun figuring it out on my own), but I'd rather save the time, and it's probably good to know how to solve this situation.
See my news post with medal hunting links and tools. I made a program NGMedals that finds your statistics and unearned medals.
There is also a browser script.
Maintainer of the Top Medal Point Users List and API Mod - feel free to PM with any issues.