At 8/7/11 09:08 AM, queenofbabes wrote:
At 8/3/11 10:31 PM, Narcissus wrote:
There is third outcome. In 8, you have to grab the candle-person for air so you don't fade away... They're always on a fork on the path, but perhaps it would be wise to go the other way each time if you want to live. (hint, hint)
Ehh, I've tried the level several times now, when I followed your suggestion, I ended up on a fork that led to dead ends (no further platforms to jump to). Any help?
LEFT, keep heading left. The emo death chick is on the right... hence the opposite direction.
Also, I noticed you just got the 200 streak medal for Paranormal Shark Activity. Wasn't that said to be an impossible medal? Did you somewhat circumvent the platform combo that was virtually impossible to jump over?
It's not impossible... It's a cake walk, actually. I rage quit that game a long time ago and decided to give it another go. Most I got back that was 160-170 legit, IIRC... Well, I'm waiting to start a new job in Korea in a week, so I've been bored out of my kilts lately. So, when I stumbled upon a glitch it was too good not to try (hey, I'm human)... Die, click submit score and immediately click replay. Die again, replay... no shark, only wooden platforms. Your only worry is falling into the water at 170x and cursing very loudly, that or getting very bored in the process.
At 8/6/11 10:48 AM, queenofbabes wrote:
Hey narcissus, how did you get those super-duper times on super drift 3D? Tips please.
Expert mode gives a major speed boost when you finish a drift when the smoke turns orange. It's possible to max out the speed right around 199. Drift side-to-side in straights and pick up as much speed as possible before hills to shave off time. Luck, timing and some physics glitches associated with drift speed boosts help also. Just play around with it.