At 5/30/11 09:38 PM, Hacsev wrote: Aw fuck! According to likwidgames:
"Hi there. Unfortunately due to the autosave, your game may be stuck. I'm hoping that you have taken the time to save at the inn periodically as you have been playing. Sorry."
Last time I saved periodically was after I beat like 2 bosses only. So yeah, I'm not going to play it again just to get a 50 pointer medal. I did have fun while it lasted, though.
It's not so bad. I'd recommend a power mage build, putting almost nothing to strength and defence. Get fireball, lvl 1 lightning, then rush for the lvl 3 poison spell (which hits EVERY enemy on the screen), then lvl 3 lightning spell.
Once you have lvl 3 poison spell, you'll be clearing screens real quick. throw in lvl 3 lightning and it'll be uber fast. What's more, since you're casting spells from a distance, you almost never have to worry about dying.