At 3/6/11 10:16 AM, LiquidOoze wrote:
Really, is it possible to get your Flash Player to a lower level? Well, I still need to get a 100-pointer at Theia so I might give it a go.
Also, @Fooliolio, I really think you should try the .sol-swapping. If it works, it might be a great pleasure for people saying 'I completed that game on another site so I don't have the medals but I deserve them bwah bwah whine whine'.
For the .sol swap to work, I assume the .swf code from both sites has to read and use the .sol file with the same variable names and types. Unpredictable things could happen, resulting in either the .swf not recognizing the file and making a new one (rewriting it), or it could spam you with NaNs (Not a Number), or it could crash, among lots of other things. I have no idea how AS reads data files though, so most of what I said could be BS. But in general, code that isn't meant to handle errors will either throw an exception and terminate or crash.
Obviously the best way to find out if the swap works is to back up your original file to be overwritten, then try it.
We lucked out on Warlords 2 for now because in Armorgames, the version there is 1.1.0, while the NG version is 1.1.2, presumably because it has codes for the NG API. Also, since I got the impression that Mr. Grumpyface was too lazy to actually fix the medal, I figured he would be too lazy to actually change the .swf significantly to the point that the unplayable races were unplayable because the UI stuff for them being non-existent, and not because of a simple cockblock "Play on Armorgames" message.
Currently, I've finished 6 out of 10 races. I got my feet wet at first by playing as the Human Alliance, then I went ahead and finished the game as The Demons. I got the idea of the .sol swap at this point, did some tests, unlocked the secret race by playing Men from the West by using the NG file for Armorgames version. Finished the Undead race. Started the Mountain Trolls, then transfered the Armorgames file to NG, then finished with them with no mishaps. Blah blah blah.
(sorry if that was tedious reading, but I like to detail my "research")
Oh, and whoever has that Warlords 2 guide on their userpage, I got my castles attacked twice in Normal mode. Dem Giant Trolls are really unfair x_X