Now tom has a medal for a game called avoidal :3

Now tom has a medal for a game called avoidal :3
At 10/25/10 08:19 PM, kittehg0d wrote: Now tom has a medal for a game called avoidal :3
...and 2 for Chroma Keys.
At 10/25/10 12:25 PM, EdyKel wrote: For the floating head I was over level 50, with a total of over 100 ATK. Best place to grind is on the island.
Fuck... I left the island at 40... well we shall see how long the graveyard and ping-pong take to level me up cause I'm not starting over again...
You only need 5,000 to set up a date at the tower, but I didn't go there when I first got the medal. I don't think it matters where you take her for a date, but I could be wrong.
And I'm not sure how I got that medal, or the exact criteria for it. It was just dumb luck for me.
Hmm... Yeah now that I think about it only 1 date works per game, so maybe I just have to take her there instead of the other 2 places...
Hmm, somewhere between lvl 45 and lvl 50 there is a glitch at the ping-pong screen... I got sent to the title screen for trying to move into that part of Halsaban. Good thing I had saved. And by my estimations I will have to be level 61 to get 100 ATK... (3 ATK every 2 levels)
Also, I don't like this game's author. When I first played I had no idea how to progess the story the first time I got to Rataan. So I google it, and what do it get? Link.
Sorry for trying to play your game asshole; it definitely ranks down among my least favorite medal games.
At 10/26/10 05:01 AM, Mr-Contradiction wrote: Hmm, somewhere between lvl 45 and lvl 50 there is a glitch at the ping-pong screen... I got sent to the title screen for trying to move into that part of Halsaban. Good thing I had saved. And by my estimations I will have to be level 61 to get 100 ATK... (3 ATK every 2 levels)
HOWEVER!!! After attempting the Big Floating Head three times at Lvl 50 with 86/85/110 stats I managed to beat him.
I promise I won't go past a quadpost...
My path to getting Eternal Friendship was:
"Sure that's fine with me."
"Sorry for your loss."
"I am here with my friends."
Date in the Tower.
Check your love meter in the Casino; it should say something about both of you blushing by now.
Go to final battle and choose "Stop it!"
Beat the game, the medal shows up at the end credits.
I may have missed a convo choice or two, post if I did and I'll try and remember what i chose.
At 10/26/10 05:45 AM, Mr-Contradiction wrote: I promise I won't go past a quadpost...
"Listen more."
"No, they're not gone"
"A friend."
That should be all of them.
[I'm flying into space...][Sig by triplenoob]
At 10/26/10 08:19 AM, ugolegend94 wrote: 0 points. 1879
Another Moonwalk Mario? This is getting annoying.
Also, how's that medal game of yours coming together?
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At 10/26/10 08:19 AM, ugolegend94 wrote: 0 points. 1879
Srsly, how do you defeat the boss? I tried clicking, jumping on him, collecting all items, killing myself.
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
Ah, you have to touch the heart behind the ghost about five seconds to let him die.
And Tab helps a lot to get the other four medals in this game.
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
New medal game!
:Triple post
The Review Request club, the Blammers List (update every 15th), and the Protectors List (Update every 1st). My sig has it all.
Sig by Emperor-Bubba
At 10/25/10 02:34 AM, Mr-Contradiction wrote:At 10/24/10 01:35 PM, ugolegend94 wrote:Practise practise practise... I didn't bother going for any of the other medals until I got that one. Had 2000 gems by that time so the other medals were easy. Saving gems works well for getting points too, although your deaths may negate a large portion of that.At 10/24/10 01:27 PM, wismty wrote:how did you get that medal? is difficult!At 10/22/10 05:02 PM, BoMToons wrote: Can anyone confirm that the "beat the boss without upgrades" medal is working?It works.
I sat on the middle ladder shooting left, dodging up and down when he did the angle fireballs. Spend enough time and you can take out 3 eyes doing this. The other two require you to go out and dodge more often... Just don't be afraid to fall down the holes (clear out the purple eyes first of course) when you have no other option, it's not like his HP resets or anything.
Another useful tip, after you stun him with the tentacles, don't hit his brain, you will get an extended time to shoot at him while he stands still for you. Can't really confirm that it is longer than hitting his brain, but I couldn't stand the paused gameplay; it always killed me.
get him stunned and run for the left ladder. Climb the ladder to the top and you can hit him but he can't hit you while he shoots N/S & E/W. he will stop shooting and go off to the left screen. When he does this, climb halfway down the left ladder and hit his right tentacle, the second his left tentacle re-appears, hit it and he'll go back to stun mode. Climb to the top of the left ladder and rinse repeat. It takes a while, but it's pretty easy once you have this pattern down.
At 10/26/10 06:00 AM, Mr-Contradiction wrote:At 10/26/10 05:45 AM, Mr-Contradiction wrote: I promise I won't go past a quadpost...LIAR!!!
Your username... How fitting!
However, I don't see your issue with the author (cite: your second post). He gave codes to a few friends and you're upset that you can't access the content? Sorry if I misunderstand - I haven't actually played the game and so I'm probably missing something.
At 10/26/10 11:51 AM, Knuckstrike wrote: 1887
New medal game!
Triple post
also in this game medals are worth 0 points, how boring!
[I'm flying into space...][Sig by triplenoob]
At 10/24/10 11:08 AM, waynerz99 wrote: Hey nose, when you beat wings of genesis, did you play it on medium and then on hard? or did you play it on hard and got both medals?
Cause I went right to nightmare, but I only got the one medal. I really don't want to have to do another play through on medium, although it would probably be much faster.
Wow. Sorry for not seeing this a while back. I first played through on normal then on nightmare. Trust me, with the bug for Tiamat doing continual damage when the game is paused, it's pretty easy to go through a second time.
Anyone figure out what the first secret medal to First Fantasy is? I have not been able to find anyone who has it.
Mr. C - Thanks for the walkthrough on how to get the Eternal Friendship medal. I must have botched a dialog or two the first two times I went through.
At 10/26/10 01:20 PM, Doomsday-One wrote: However, I don't see your issue with the author (cite: your second post). He gave codes to a few friends and you're upset that you can't access the content? Sorry if I misunderstand - I haven't actually played the game and so I'm probably missing something.
I missed the code to continue the story (1141 Beach Street) and it apparently only shows up once? That is what I was looking for. I could care less about the author's inside jokes, but to be so anal about a little flash game is just ridiculous.
At 10/26/10 02:27 PM, nosesocks wrote: Anyone figure out what the first secret medal to First Fantasy is? I have not been able to find anyone who has it.
Eternal Enemies. Can't find the description for it, but it seems pretty obvious what your supposed to do. Unfortunately, I think it's broken because I have not been able to unlock it no matter how I diss Haruka. :/
At 10/26/10 04:14 PM, Mr-Contradiction wrote: I missed the code to continue the story (1141 Beach Street) and it apparently only shows up once? That is what I was looking for. I could care less about the author's inside jokes, but to be so anal about a little flash game is just ridiculous.
It shows up every time you leave the inn in Rattaan. And, yeah, I agree that he's being a little anal about them to.
new game, the medals do not work!
[I'm flying into space...][Sig by triplenoob]
So how come the medals for Newgrounds Medals: EXT were removed?
At 10/27/10 04:44 AM, ixfd64 wrote: So how come the medals for Newgrounds Medals: EXT were removed?
have been removed because "PsychoGoldfish" found that the medals were too easy to obtain.
however, a few days I'll put a new game with medals.
[I'm flying into space...][Sig by triplenoob]
I think that's a little unfair. There are games with medals that are equally easy to obtain.
At 10/27/10 02:20 PM, Jolly wrote: 2005
we should wait for it to pass judgement to go after the medals
Apparantly this game is gonna' have medals according to the description. Hope it does cause' it's a bloody good game! :D
does anyone know what do you have to do to get the first secret medal in First Fantasy?
i've checked the medals of the author, the reviewers and a few people from here, and NOTHING.