At 6/10/10 09:44 PM, PsychoGoldfish wrote: So I haven't been around much the past few days (We just had a baby girl a few days ago), but I was just checking PM's and have been asked about mystery points vanishing.
To MY knowledge, nobody on the staff has deleted any medals, but I may have an explaination.
Recently I launched a new beta for developers to add their own medals. These medals become instantly available, but require admin approval to actually be worth points. As some of you have noticed, some broken medals get retroactively un-approved and become worth 0 points, but what you may not know is that the developers and admins can actually delete and edit medals.
What may have happened is a developer made a bunch of medals worth high point values and realized they were too easy. Other possibilities are a few medals here and there got deleted so you may not have noticed a poin change since there is no longer any icon for that medal.
It's always a tough balance making an open system like this without occasionally pissing people off with points vanishing because developers may not be very cooperative in fixing medals, or others are trying to flat out abuse the system. Hopefully we'll get more and more of these wrinkles ironed out as things mature.
Congrats on the new addition to the family, PsychoGoldfish.
I just lost another 500 points. I have no idea where they went to.
Personally, I don't think some of the newer games are registering their points; or their medals are retroactively going back to 0, even though they still show points for them.
I went through Wylina's page, and did a fast recount for all the games with the total points listed on that page. They all seem to be in order. No changes.
The thing is, people began losing 500-1000 points last Thursday, or Friday. And now it seems more points were lost either today, or yesterday.
There is one odd thing. Medals for Valthrian Arc shows up on my medal's page, but are still locked on the game's page? Of course, this is one of those games that was not approved at first, and started with 0 point medals - which I still don't have most of the points for because I got most of them when they were still 0 pointers.