At 6/8/10 09:54 PM, Mr-Contradiction wrote:
At 6/8/10 09:11 PM, KingExodus wrote:
It's official. I am the first person to ever get 40k and 50k medal points.
I don't understand how you and greeneggs4spam have that many points... I have all the same medals except for Fig 8. (Professional) and Shift 4, yet you both have two thousand more points than I... Oddities that I assume revolve around the 0 point medals.
KingExodus cheats, that's how he has so many points; pay him no mind.
Also, I came back for a few hours to get a little over 2000 medal points this evening. Some notes:
Poison Gnome and 10 Large Gnomes medals are broken for me in Gnomergeddon. Mine Muncher took 9 of them rather than 5 (I was counting), and I didn't get Lil' Gnome Thumper until level 7 my second time through the game. I also haven't had any luck at all with getting all 10 jewels, because no matter what I do I can't kill the big gnome on level 3 to get the first one; he always leaves too soon. I did find that with my strategy the only things that were a threat were the stupid ankle-biters that always knock you down, so here's my strategy:
For small and medium gnomes, stand in one place with a poison weapon (as soon as you can get one, doesn't matter what it is) and just hack away until they're dead. For large gnomes, walk back and forth swinging, and they'll tend to swing in the direction you're coming from rather than the direction you're going. For miner gnomes, jump attacks. Ankle-biters get slingshots, and except for level 19 wizards get brute force. Level 19 caught me off guard, but I'd imagine you're supposed to use a slingshot until you get hit enough to rage.
Something else I noticed was that my kill/enemy ratio at the end of most levels said I only killed half the enemies, but I still got a time bonus. I suspect that kills via poison don't count for some reason, which would explain this odd behaviour as well, potentially, as the broken medals.
Also, what's a good level/strategy for killing 30 gnomes in a single rage? There never seem to be that many on screen at once, and they take too long to bolster their ranks for me to rely on a second wave coming in.
For The Annoying Little Game, the trigger for the bridge is RIGHT after the camera pulls back. When it pulls, you'll see the wheel not turning, so back up to your left a bit and take a running jump. I don't think I'll be chasing the perfect game medal on that one.
For Touch The Bubbles, I got 100k on level 17, and after practising that level a few times I got the no continues medal on my second playthrough. All that's left is bonus level 5 and the broken medal. Also, I got the 500,000 medal while practising level 17, rather than as part of an actual playthrough. So that medal is bugged. I'd love to know how people got scores over a million though, best I could do was over 800,000.
For Ryucopter, if you can make it to M. Bison only getting hit twice, he's a cakewalk. Obey the pattern, let your attack charge rather than always spamming it when you're out of juice, and you're good. What I did was go unhit except for the 4th and 5th bosses, which I just let pass. They can only hit you once, so after the other enemies are off the screen, just let them go and let your attack power charge. If you do it right you'll take 2 hits and have 5 left, and M. Bison goes down after you take your 4th hit. And the text at the end of the game made me spit my water all over my screen, not so much because it was funny, but because it was completely unexpected.
And now I return to my hiatus. Cheers.