At 5/14/10 01:25 AM, greeneggs4spam wrote:
I somehow doubt your post is "just for the sake of discussion." Nice job with the "you can't fire me, I quit" charade though.
I didn't say I "quit". If you as a collective do not want me to participate in your ranking system, I am fine with that. Not sure why you think I am sincere in my support of hacking.
As per your argument, my 100 point medals has no value to you since I can't give it to you.
Exactly. Medals have no value. They are not a thing to be "ranked" or traded. They are personal achievements for personal gratification. The attachment of points to them, what makes them rankable, is what I was attacking when I was talking about currency.
Anyways, this isn't a competition to prove you're better than other people, it's a community that shares a common interest. Why do you think there's so many guides and walkthroughs written by people on the medal list; why do you think HOS and Spiffy update a list even though they aren't on it? To highlight all the people "better" than them? That's ridiculous. In no way does other people getting a 100 point medal make it worthless to me, since I'm not doing it to be better than them. I'm happy when other people earn hard medals.
That's good for you. I personally don't care if JimmyTwoBits got eight billion points this week, or if he wrote a walkthrough for Button Clicker 17: The Buttoning.
The problem with hackers is that they're typically only interested in saying "look at my points, I'm better than you." This destroys the community and makes it less fun when people who aren't even playing the games try to turn collaboration into competition. The points make it a bit more fun since it's easier to evaluate progress, but honestly the points aren't the point, so to say.
I agree here. Hackers are the ones who want to be at the top no matter what. They have to be the best, and so they take the shortest route. What I don't get is how it "destroys the community". If you truly don't care about being better than people, why do you care if there are eight hackers at the top of the list? Any system of ranking is by definition a competition. If it were truly a collaboration, everyone would have similar points. Don't get me started on communism.
The correct comparison for medals would be tests.
I stated several times that my arguments only held for virtual situations where there were no adverse effects other than your suggested "destruction of the community". Tests are used to evaluate knowledge so that the person can contribute to society properly.
They make it about saying "I read the book" rather than about discussing and understanding the book.
That is nice. Life is a journey and all that. Somewhere in my topic I said that hacking flows logically from results based analysis. Thus we are arguing based on different assumptions and no comparison can be made. I concur that hackers lose all sense of accomplishment (not that any really exists for them) since there is no journey involved in their gameplay. It took me hours of practice to get Ching Chong right, and I enjoyed getting to the top of Seppuku Tower. The hackers just teleport to the end, kill the boss, grab the loot, and sell it for 10 cents.
You seem to have a very flawed understanding of facism (yes, a dictator has to be one person. That's the dictionary definition.) and discrimination. The characterizing feature of a dictatorship is not what the rules are, or that there are rules, it's how those rules are established. Calling somebody a Nazi is meant as an insult, not as an accurate classification- so that's not justification of your definition. This community is a democracy or republic if anything. Everybody is given the same opportunity and rules, and you can choose to participate or not.
Oh boy did you misunderstand here... Sorry, lets define the fictitious fascist regime as an oligarchy then. And dictators have been elected as many times as they have lead coups... I am not associating fascism with dictatorships. I am associating fascism with excessive control of the populous. As for the Nazi bit, there may still be a few people who use it in the proper context instead of a blind insult as you have described. Precious few I admit, but that is the spirit it was intended.
I never once brought up justice in my arguments. Hacking is by definition an injustice. It is cheating the system. What I wanted to talk about was how IN THIS INSTANCE, hackers have no real impact on non hackers. Controlling the hackers is therefore a violation of their will with no supporting reason aside from "we don't like it".
It's like if everybody is playing monopoly, it's not discrimination to not let you steal money from the bank - nobody is allowed to do it.
When me and my friends play monopoly, if someone needs money badly, they can suggest that everyone gets a bonus from the bank. Effectively, everyone hacks. This is not unfair. If we don't like the rule where you can only buy houses when you have all of the property of that colour, we ignore it as a whole. Is this wrong to you?
Your collective has outlawed hacking. That is the agreed upon rule, and it should be enforced as such. Only allow verified legitimate players into your clique. I don't need to reiterate my comments on fascist levels of control here do I? If you and ten friends wanted to get together and rank each other competitively, go ahead.
The fact of the matter is that...
Well that was a long winded sentence. I as a person agree. But do you understand why people hack? This was what I was trying to get across. That in this system, it is realizable that people could hack, and that it would in no way affect you aside from bumping you from #1.
Also, although unrelated, tradition can be justification for doing something. For example red=stop, green=go on stop lights. It's not the only thing that matters, but tradition is certainly something that should be taken into consideration.
Never. Tradition is an excuse used too widely for its minuscule merit. Yes, red lights usually mean stop. Unless they mean duck and cover. Unless they mean stand still and be quiet until the lights are off. Unless they mean prepare to engage the enemy. Unless they have no meaning whatsoever, and are in place so that film doesn't develop too early. Tradition is used to validate the status quo. Good ol humanity resisting change.
I don't care enough to have a debate over the internet for the sake of debate, so I'm done now.
That is disappointing... Children these days are so flighty.
I gave you our perspective, and if you don't like it fine. If it makes you feel better to call us fascists than so be it. I assure you it doesn't hurt my feelings coming from you.
Sigh... You truly misunderstood SO MUCH of what I said. Evidently you let emotion rule a large portion of your argument. I am not calling you a fascist. I did not intend to hurt anyone's feelings with this debate.
"it should be clear by now that I don't care whether or not you consider me a hacker"
Nothing else has convinced me more that you hacked. If you honestly earned everything legitimately then I'm shocked that you supposedly don't care.
Well I am glad that you have come to a conclusion on something that is none of your business. My apathy is apparently very compelling. I have honestly earned everything but the one medal from Lastman legitimately, and I only followed the links in the author's comments there. Getting back home was surprisingly easy imo. And I honestly don't care that I have a large number beside my account on an internet site. It was fun (I even warmed up on the Doom Triple Pack after playing it for two days straight) to play the games, medals were simply an impetus to be good at them. Hell, I'm even kind of enjoying playing the first ten levels of Explore campaigns over and over trying to get that last medal.
Well this has been rousing, I haven't argued that extensively since that luncheon incident...