At 4/7/10 01:49 AM, queenofbabes wrote:At 4/6/10 08:41 PM, EdyKel wrote: I just started playing Sonny 2 again, after a 2 month hiatus from it. I now remember why I stopped playing it. It's hard, it takes forever to defeat anything in it, and it's gameplay elements are way to complex and tedious to be fun. It doesn't help that each enemy encounter is like a fucking boss battle, where some of them you have to reset your skill tree just to have a chance to effectively fight them. That's not to metion the only control you have over your NPC is to set them to agresive, or passive, durring the battle. Getting them to work together as a team on selected character is near impossible to do, since random and attacking the weakest enemy is all you get from them. Such tedious work for so little. The only 3 medals I can hope to do are only worth a total of 85 points. The medal worth are way to low in this game for the amount of shit you have jump through to get them.Pity. Sonny 2 is an unbelievably good game. Having the right skill set and respec-ing for each fight is the core of the game, spend some time to get it right. Armor games used to have a dedicated forum to the game, but now it's all linked up here. A general tip is to focus on defense on your allies (they're usually too dumb to attack the guy you want them to) and be the killing machine yourself.
Some people might like to lock their head in a box and bang it against things too, but that doesn't mean everyone does. I understand that it might have a following because of it's hardcore nature, but I don't see much value in a game that forces the player to discover, through trial and error, the only single route to play it, while gimping you from all directions. Some people might call that fun and challenging, but I call it overused, uncreative, and lazy, if they can't find a different way of approaching the whole challenging thing by decreasing your strength and increasing the enemy's.
I'm not sure why I should respect the half an hour long fights with minions who will always have higher HP than my characters, and have better abilities over them. Or how fighting large groups of enemies is a waste of time when you can get almost the same amount of experience points for fighting just one of their members, of the same level - that really annoyed the hell out of me when I found that out. The lack of tactical control over NPC was a huge issue for me. You would think it would be common sense to be able to control them, and have at least some control over when to attack and when not to, an who to attack, and who not to attack..... And I have always hated the idea of having level based equipment. How the fuck can a character not wear or use a certain armor or weapon, because it's a higher level, with a few additional attributes to it. I never understood that Diablo shit...
No, I don't like the game, at all. It just rubs me the wrong way....