At 4/16/09 02:24 PM, andy70707 wrote:
At 4/16/09 01:42 PM, Auz wrote:
At 4/16/09 01:21 PM, andy70707 wrote:
I think you should get a tiny bit of store credit for medals, nothing huge, maybee like $1 for every 500 points, or some rankings or something
Several people already came up with ideas such as extra experience points and store credit. Personally I think the medals and points alone are enough reward on itself. And it would seem much more logical to me to add store credit to bp points than to medal points, since bp points actually do something for the site. So all in all not such a great idea in my opinion.
hmm, well, I think people would need some kind of motive for them, and levels would be illogical because for every game with medals, the highest possible amount of medals would go up. And I was only thinking about a tiny amount of store credit, just enough so that you could get a sticker or too or get a tiny bit off your next order. Surely NG admins could allow that, although it might have problems if people started making really easy medals or free medal flashes, so I see what you mean.
Some discount on shop items is a nice idea I think. Might actually draw more people to the stores and give NG some extra cash, while at the same time people play games more often so they will see more ads which also means extra cash for NG.
You may want to post this idea in the Ideas for NG Evolution MK3 topic.
A ranking list however has already been made in this forum. There´s no official NG ranking system though. It would be nice if they implented that someday.
yes, that would be good, maybee as a link under the rankings page.
Yes, or an extra line in the stats part of your profile.
and also a limit of the amount of points per medal and max medals per game, so people dont just make "free medal point" games or just use it to get themselves thousands of points.
Currently the medal system is not open to public. Games get picked by the admins, so you probably won´t see any "free medal point" games at the moment.
yes, but there will probably be an API or hopefully component released soon so anyone can add them.
Yeah, probably gonna happen sooner or later.
Also, there already seems to be a limit in amount of points. The highest medals are worth 100 points and most games have 500 points at most. Except for Portal Defenders which has 510 points.
oh right, I havent noticed that. And I havent seen a medal worth 100 points either, although it seems way too high, I think 20 would be better.
Slaughter Master, Drunken Deity, 10000 km are medals that are worth 100 points. Changing 100 points to 20 doesn´t do much if you also divide the other medals values by 5...
Also, there should be portal mods, where as well as the BP system, they have the power to instantly blam a submission, that should stop spam and people missusing the award system.
Portal mods is also an idea that´s been going around for long. Something that I am also for, and I also thought of powers such as deleting submissions instantly. But of course they should only use it on really bad cases of spam.
At 4/16/09 09:34 PM, Arthuria99 wrote:
At 4/14/09 12:43 AM, JJgamer93 wrote:
Ay tips on getting an A+ on Mission 5 in FU2? What weapons to use, what difficulty, ECT.
All I need left on this game is this medal, and then the "Tough Guy" and "Slaughter Master" medals.
*sigh* And then, I'll just have to take on Alkie Kong again...
Okay, first u must not waste your time on that enemy with double big sword at the first door
just use your helldrive at them, until the normal enemy pop up, use your double blade,
and inactive your helldrive
helldrive mode will take so much damage on them but lesser style point, don't use it
when the second door open, don't bother to waste your time on that new ice-look enemy
just move away, in the next door, u have to fight them normally, don't use your helldrive whatsoever
the guy with the double big sword will take you so much style point in the row, kick them ass
and DON'T USE ANY HELLDRIVE, i've got more than 650.000 style point with this method
hope it can help you
The method I used also works well I think. I did it on Hybrid level, which seems the easiest level to get A+ on in mission 5.
The first bunch of enemies are those with double swords. You can´t helldrive them yet, so I used the uzi´s and shotgun instead. I kept firing until the uzi´s started a combo and then I switched weapons rapidly with the shotgun so that the score would multiply faster. You won´t get that many style points from it, but it´s better than nothing.
The enemy that comes from the pit after, I just helldrive spam to death. You can´t get many points from him anyway. He´s just a waste of time.
Then there should be a wave of ordinary red enemies. There you should get most of your points from. I personally made a combo up to A++ with my swords and then I used guns again and switched them rapidly. I think that´s the fastest way to gain points. You should easily get 200-300k from this. Maybe even more, if you make sure that you´re not hit.
Then comes a lizard, which can´t give you that many points. But you can hellspam him and at the same time use your weapons to still iniate small combos and get a few points.
In the second room, use the same strategy for the same enemies. If you do it right, you should be able to get 550k+ within a reasonable amount of time. Also remember that being in helldrive mode gives extra damage and thus it gives you larger bonusses to your style points.