At 1/13/10 03:11 PM, SpiffyMasta wrote:
I smell something burning. ROFL
Naw, l'm not in the mood for that right now...
Seriously, if you wanted to figure out what the hell he was pm ing, you should've asked him yourself. You jumped to conclusions as to what he said. That's called a being a premature jerkoff.
That's called examining the clues and reaching a logical have to admit, it IS logical, even if may be wrong.
Now what l need to know is what did l need to know to figure that out...if it was related to Alice in Wonderland, then it's no wonder (c wut l did thar) l didn't get it...
At 1/13/10 03:14 PM, bdash1990 wrote:
Because there's no point in having a secret medal if you tell everyone.
It's like an easter egg, the fun is in finding it for yourself. if people told you where they are there's no point.
like knowing what you're getting for christmas, why bother to wrap it?
How many secret medals are NOT revealed in a walkthrough?No, seriously, how many?Check it out and you'll get your answer.
As for the presents, l always ask for anything l might want (when l have the chance to do it of course)..