At 4/9/09 09:26 AM, Zerok wrote: I have a question for FUI2's Slaughter Master:
I'm wondering what the criteria is for getting it, really. As in, can I use level select and just clear everything on Impossible, or do I have to start at M1 and go all the way through (presumably dying as many times as I want to)?
If it's the former, does every level (except "7") have to actually say that I cleared it on Impossible? Because I've beaten M4 on Impossible twice now but in game it insists that I've only done it on Slayer. I still have to beat M5 on Impossible (not a big issue) and everything else is marked as having beaten it on Impossible.
Thanks in advance for the clarity.
Unlike Alkie Kong
U don't actually need to beat all game in impossible mode from the first level to the end of level
u can randomly finish them in what mission u think is the most easy to the hard one
once of finish them all in impossible, just simply close the game, refresh your browser
and slaughter master is there