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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 06:58:23

You...definitely just proved a point...


Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 07:25:11

At 10/10/09 02:55 AM, MrLuckDuck wrote: caraboo is obviously startin' up some shit, i've never seen anyone get so worked up over spelling and grammar over the internet. hey, instead of using heavyt@nk as ur little messenger boy actually PM anime if you seriously care about his spelling / grammar or whatever fucking else. (like, who the fuck gives a shit about someones spelling anyway? jeez) unless your a fan of Murr@y or some shit.

Well, obviously some people give a shit when they can't understand a damn thing because of the "wall of text-ness".. but didn't l tell you to "drop the fucking subject?".If we keep posting like that, this will never end.

never seen such pointless bull bollocks. games and tips? my ass. oh well im offz to go getz so moar medals, i'll leave da off topic-ness to u guys. bye bbz~~xxx ;-)

If you've never seen such pointless bollocks DON'T POST ABOUT IT!!!!For fuck's sake!Do you know what "ignoring" means?If you want to say anything else about this to me please PM me.But don't post anything more about this, ever.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 09:36:12



Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 11:17:49

You know you could how many yachts you got and else by clicking the More Stats button,but you guys might know that so yeah.So if anyone cares to look at my result and stats,you look them here:Miami Shark score and Stats

Madness is great.Madness is what is all about.

My video collection :)

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 12:08:01

At 10/10/09 09:36 AM, ThePathFinder wrote: UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOD I KNO, RITE???????????????

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 12:54:17

It's kind of boring not having any medals to strive for...

Aside from the broken "drop the bomb" , the "seed on destruction" medal that is (literally) impossible to get at this stage, and the "shift 4" medals that still haven't been updated, I have nothing to do. *sigh*

Do not view my page, you will not be able to handle my avatar.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:09:52

May i suggest trying to beat every game on Newgrounds?

I can't seem to get any of the mini-game medals on Epic Battle Fantasy 2, any suggestions?

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:15:26

At 10/10/09 01:09 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: May i suggest trying to beat every game on Newgrounds?

I can't seem to get any of the mini-game medals on Epic Battle Fantasy 2, any suggestions?

Read the Walkthrough.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:18:45

At 10/10/09 01:15 PM, IngeniousCheese wrote:
At 10/10/09 01:09 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: May i suggest trying to beat every game on Newgrounds?

I can't seem to get any of the mini-game medals on Epic Battle Fantasy 2, any suggestions?
Read the Walkthrough.

Correction, the walkthoughS.I would suggest reading them both, but it's gonna take some time.
Also, l won't keep the bullshit on this thread because the thread's gonna get locked if l keep responding to trolls..MrLuckDuck, you have mail.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:27:44

Guys, we're good. ANIME and I have talked about this via pms so he understands where I'm coming from. If you want I can post you the message on here so you ALL know why I did what I did. It wasn't to be a jackass or anything and I'm sure ANIME will respond to this post in agreeance with me. Although other people will respond too for no reason.. and this'll waste another page on this thread but ya..

Just wanted to let you all know that THE SITUATION IS RESOLVED. So stop posting about it.

Woohooo my BBS ban is up! :D

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:52:34

At 10/10/09 01:27 PM, Caraboo wrote: If you want I can post you the message on here


You mean the Private Message?

Yeah, no.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 13:58:05

Private...Public...who cares. There's no line to draw. Let him post it.

Then I'll laugh at the results...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 14:08:58

Yeah well I forgot about the guide and right after I posted that I remembered about it. I went to it but then got bored and watched T.V. for a little while so I just read it before coming here.

I don't mind to much if the pm is posted on the thread but I thought we all agreed to pm so it wouldn't take up more room on the thread lol.

Another-user did good on his guide (I haven't read Heavy's yet). I wasn't sure before if I had to scan the Guardians arms also but I guess i have to :|.

Also not that I know what my 'log out then in' thing is i won't call it by the annoying previous name again.

I kinda figured out what to do on the mini-games to begin with its just that I still suck at it :0.

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 14:26:34

Well thanks to the guides i got Mini-gamer 3 medal :3.
I had gotten up to 8,900 something before that but the whole 'run to hearts in the middle cause it doesn't matter if you lose one heart, because you get it back and you're invincible for couple seconds' thing really help me out.
I just can't get the other 2 because of the time limit :(.

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 16:57:34

Dear me, I stop using NewGrounds for a few months and all kinds of new shit is going on.

Do we have a collection page showing all the games that have medals or a list of any kind?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 16:59:04

At 10/10/09 04:57 PM, JellySoup wrote: Do we have a collection page showing all the games that have medals or a list of any kind?

http://www.newgrounds.com/game/gameswith medals

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 17:12:19

At 10/10/09 04:59 PM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:
At 10/10/09 04:57 PM, JellySoup wrote: Do we have a collection page showing all the games that have medals or a list of any kind?
http://www.newgrounds.com/game/gameswith medals

Thank you kindly.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 17:51:05

Ughh, I just can't beat Wadalf on Portal Defenders.
I also suck at FUI2 :(.
I am conducting a survey on my profile (its about which computer game is the best/most fun).

(insert 10 minutes here)

Okay so i tried again and finally got 5 brains but still can't get Wadalf :(.

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:09:41

Try other characters.. April if you're patient, Bob if you're good at predicting his patterns, or one of the strength+speed balanced characters until you get the feel of his attacks and how his pattern adapts to your actions/method of gameplay.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:24:42

I haven't beaten the game yet, and I haven't gotten 80% or more on the cleanup. So all the characters I have are Tom and Dan. Also, every time I play cleanup i get 66% exactly every time for fuck's sake! :(

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:42:53

At 10/10/09 06:24 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote: I haven't beaten the game yet, and I haven't gotten 80% or more on the cleanup. So all the characters I have are Tom and Dan. Also, every time I play cleanup i get 66% exactly every time for fuck's sake! :(

Check out the walkthroughs and videos for help man. For clean up follow this pattern:
(Start at the asterisk or the period in the top left)
. .... .... .... ....
| | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | |
'''' '''' '''' '''' *

Hope this helps.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:47:22

Omfg thanks for telling up and down instead of side to side! :D

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:52:15

that didn't work...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 18:58:28

I don't know if you meant that towards my post, cause I put a :D at the end.

I meant that thanks so much cause that finally got me the medal.
I was talking about the post above yours cause I had already started to type my post before you posted yours (Caraboo). Yeah it finally worked out for me but I find it odd cause I remember doing it up and down the first few times I started playing the game, hmm. Anyway thanks for the help.

Death Note, Code Geass, Bleach, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, and

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood are all awesome.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 19:10:54

Wow, I can finally change my sig back now that you're actually following the rules of the thread and not slapping your cock repeatedly in that kid's face.

Bless you, sir. Bless you.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 21:43:36

It´s my imagination or Stamper Quest for Fags is now more easy?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 21:47:27

The author claims this game should have medals once it passes judgement.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 21:51:49

At 10/10/09 09:43 PM, IngeniousCheese wrote: It´s my imagination or Stamper Quest for Fags is now more easy?

Hell yeah

Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 22:07:44

At 10/10/09 09:47 PM, sumidiotdude wrote:
The author claims this game should have medals once it passes judgement.

Hmmmmm. Don't know what to think about that, except.. We shall see, yes?

And it's "soon", not "after passing judgment." Unless they edited the description.

And it makes no sense to update the file to include the medal API integration.. -after- it passes judgment, yes?

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-10-10 22:40:27

Once again I'll ask. I want as much tips as possible for beating the mission 4 boss in Fear Unlimited within A+ time. (Best strategy, which swords/guns to use, how and when to use them, etc.)

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