At 10/9/09 05:02 PM, ANIMEstarved wrote:
I agree with Krev on that one, I have had posts that were really long but that last one (not including this one :P) wasn't very long at all lol. i can guarantee that Caraboo himself has posted longer posts than that, and I'm pretty sure many other people have posted longer posts than that :).
I haven't even played Fear Unlimited Issue 2 yet, cause i got it loaded but it was noisy and at the time i didn't want to listen or play any noisy games.
I guess I'll go play it now :D.
This reply is from Caraboo, not me.Also, he says it's the last one.
ANIME.. when Krev and I write big long paragraphs they always have a purpose. They always are useful to someone. They always help someone understand something or help them do something so they can actually go and do it properly. They are always in perfect English in every sense of that meaning with maybe a few typos at most. They don't ramble on about how much you hate a medal or how hard you try and still can't get it or how much you suck at life.
They always use proper paragraph spacing so that it is easily read. This usually also helps with structuring something so that you can go from point A to point B to point C without any confusion and they're all related in some way. We hardly ever ramble on about three different things in four adjacent sentences. 60% of our posts are NOT double posts, and pointless double posts at that.
The problem isn't that you write too much. The problem is how you write it (like a drunken 8 year old to be exact). You don't have to leave, but you can't stay if you're going to keep posting like you do and so consistently. Almost every other post is yours, and they all suck. So please, just try to fix some things up and stop talking like your so excited about everything in the world (which is how I know how young you are). Thanks.
See now that was a big post and very easy to read. Try it some time!