At 6/26/09 08:58 AM, chris-marks wrote:
Just a yes or no: If Wylo asks you to give him appropriate credit on the walkthru, will you do it?
Of l said before, l don't want to take the credit for a thing that l didn't do..
Also, here is an intresting response l got:
Like shut, except the timer stops every 3hrs. 48mins. You might want a stopwatch.
30 f/bs is only 7min. 36sec.
60 f/bs is only 3min. 48sec.
120 fbs is only 1min. 54sec.
This also decreases the amount of time you have to copy/paste the code!
30 f/bs gives 8sec
60 f/bs gives 4sec
120 f/bs gives 2sec
I recommend 30 f/bs as it allows you enough time to do something while you wait, and gives you adequate reaction time when your stopwatch/timer goes off. Side effect: This will take 2hrs. 27mins (or more). If you don't want to wait that long, do 60 f/bs at your own risk.
So you can actually decrease the time to 2 have only 2 seconds to paste the code, but who cares?
Uhm, wait, did someone say that this was fixed?
How can you fix this?