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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 17:15:10

When ever I play a game to get ti's medals recently it always says not I'm logged when I in fact am logged in. I tried logging out and loggin in again but it doesn't do shit. Can anyone help?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 17:22:29

At 6/24/09 05:04 PM, Duffle wrote: New game with medals:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/28 3613

That looks like a pretty good game, although I believe getting the medals for it is gonna be a real pain the ass. I keep falling through platforms if I jump slightly on the side of them and I can´t correct myself while I´m falling through the platform either. Which is really making this game a whole lot more diffecult.

Luckily it uses a password system though.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 17:38:52

That looks like a pretty good game, although I believe getting the medals for it is gonna be a real pain the ass. I keep falling through platforms if I jump slightly on the side of them and I can´t correct myself while I´m falling through the platform either. Which is really making this game a whole lot more diffecult.

platforms are just horrible. It's like he went lazy when trying to make the boxes match where the coded ones are suppose to be.

Hate how most of these medals are going to mediocre developers.

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 17:44:29


Also... It's 101 degrees Fahrenheit where I am, I think my brain is melting.

Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 17:49:05

Oh my god I actually passed that level.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 18:01:00

The game doesn't give medals,check my profile.

Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 18:02:02

At 6/24/09 05:49 PM, KrevZabijak wrote: Oh my god I actually passed that level.

That level is a piece of cake. At least compared to later ones.

I got to 2/3, then it got boring and pretty repititve. Also, the plattforms are just horrible, it's like he actually forgot to make the most left and most right pixel of the platforms "solid".

A nice idea, but could have been so much better... :/

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 18:05:48

Just beat it; it's not too bad.

By 3/3, you can get the Clusmy Adventurer Medal, but after that, it pops up EVERY TIME YOU DIE. It's a little annoying, but it doesn't affect gameplay at all.

3/5 is the last level (I think), and once you beat it you'll have every medal except maybe Clusmy Adventurer, but you'll probably get that even if you're not trying for it.

I like that all of Luka's games have working medals, but I'm still a little upset about OCD+.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 18:18:20

At 6/24/09 06:02 PM, Haggard wrote:
it's like he actually forgot to make the most left and most right pixel of the platforms "solid".

I'm of the opinion that's for tactical reasons, I've used it to my advantage on multiple levels. But that second one in the third chapter or whatever the hell you want to call it, that Roomba level? Oh screw that. xD I can't risk raising my heartbeat in 102 degree weather. Death by acute hyperthermia induced by overzealous medal achievement.

It's in the medical books, honest.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 18:46:58

At 6/24/09 05:04 PM, Duffle wrote: New game with medals:
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/28 3613

Need password that I don't have

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 19:41:47

I finished the game but it don't give me the "Clumsy adventurer"... strange, I got killed 19472159067 times of every type of death...

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 19:41:51

w00t got all the medals in that.
Compared to the jump-quests in Maple Story that wasn't frustrating at all!

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 20:30:04

Heh. The medal announcement for 2-10 stayed on the screen and I had to refresh, and then I played through act 3 and got the medal at the end and it made it to my profile, but the rest didn't. Wild.

I'm of the opinion that the platforms are definitely buggy. They lead to inconsistent gameplay. At one point I was at the edge of a platform, standing there, jumped up, and without moving side to side fell through the platform. How did I jump off it then?

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 20:33:22

Had to play over to get CLUMSY ADVENTURER.
Boy this will sure help me in MapleStory....


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 20:35:10

At 6/24/09 07:41 PM, Ray80 wrote: I finished the game but it don't give me the "Clumsy adventurer"... strange, I got killed 19472159067 times of every type of death...

Forget everything... I restarted the game and after some levels it given me the last medal... now I have them all, no longer have to play that stuff..

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 20:53:07

I'm really starting to hate this Luka guy...
First "The Classroom 3" which was an alright game, next we have "OCD+" Which was a terrible waste, and finally but not least we have "Rune of Shalak" which is a pure MapleStory jump quest which everyone fucking hates. Stop right there faggot and fear the medal whores unite!


BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 20:59:49

I actually find OCD+ to be highly amusing. Like he was taking a jab at people who go after medals. The problem I have with the medals in Shellac and Classroom is that they're basically handed out just for making progress in the game. Give us some medals based around doing things in new and interesting ways, like defeat Act 3 of Shellac without dying, or defeat level 2-8 in less than so many seconds, or something. In my mind at least some of the medals for each game should be for playing the game very well, not just for playing the game.

I got the other 4 Shellac medals, by the way. It still amuses me that I got the last one first. This time around that medal announcement didn't stick around on the screen, either, so I was able to play straight through.

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 21:47:32

Just finished that game, dunno why everyones havin so much trouble with it. Got all the medals in one run through of the game lol. Reminds me of old Atari games and stuff.

And yea the platforms are a bit fucked but once you get used to em, you can exploit em a bit.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-24 22:06:23

Well apparently, all of Drop the bomb's medals seem to be working (Yes, even bomb squad, though it takes half a day to get 0_o) except for "Someone set us up the bomb". I achieved the goal for it after HOURS of gameplay...nothing happened. >_> (Why do everything have to be luck based anyway? :(
It seems like the medal gets blocked thanks to the game automatically ending itself when you have gotten three bombs.

he has fixed everything up to this point though (Shift 4 author, point taken?), so I'm going to put my trust into the author and wait like a cute little boy on christmas. ^^

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 02:21:00

All Runes of shalak medals gotten on first try took me about an hour and a half(man that is depressing). New personal best in Alkie Kong also: made it to level seven on brutal with my 1 heart remaining!!! getting closer! Someone set us up with the bomb really needs to get fixed so I can be done with that game as well, I think my total is 7 times getting three consecutive bombs, 2 of which have been the first three spins.

Super sad life note, I actually busted some knowledge on a couple of my friends today that I learned from drop the bomb. I guess thats how learning occurs tho. Not that knowing that a marisse(sp) painting was hung upside down for a month is good knowledge to have, but i guess it can't hurt.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 05:33:22

What the? the rest of medals in the runes of shalak didn't showed up? that game itself is so much depressing, no more game from luka, all of them are depresing and sucks

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 05:49:48

At 6/24/09 12:44 AM, chris-marks wrote: I truly, deeply despise wilful ignorance... I'm done wasting my time on this. The entire rest of the thread knows I'm right, that's good enough for me.

Yah, sure they know that...you're not right because you didn't say anything, you just kept saying stupid things just to troll me...and l am sick of people just saying "OMG heavytank you're wrong just say it".
Beileve me, if l thought l was wrong l'd say it a long time ago, l don't like fights, no matter what you say.
It's just that l don't think that l have to apoligize for something l didn't know and then all the others come out with their theories about copyright...
I've heard at least 4 different versions, so now l am reall confused...
But at least l know that l wasn't wrong when l said that a small tiny walkthrough doesen't have a copyright like the one that a book has...
I am saying this as a final note, and please try not to argue too much with me next time because l don't want this to happen again :(
As you can see if l think that l am right l will keep posting until l prove my point....that's just my character...

Anyway has anyone managed to memorize all of DDB questions?
Because that's probably the only way to actually get ALL the questions right...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 05:58:02

Oh come on!
This isn't possible, 3 new medal games, 3 broken games...
I can't get any medals even in the new game, so actually l can't do anything until they fix them...
Damn it.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 08:29:30

At 6/25/09 05:58 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Oh come on!
This isn't possible, 3 new medal games, 3 broken games...
I can't get any medals even in the new game, so actually l can't do anything until they fix them...
Damn it.

Don't you think the current games with medal is getting worse and worse?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 09:15:34

At 6/25/09 08:06 AM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote: Oh goodie, the stickman is gone.

I got that glitch on the level afterwards where you have to go up and down the ladder-style things with lasers in the middle of them, and of course I can't restart or anything.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 10:12:55

The only gameplay glitch I got in Shellac was when the medal popup wouldn't go away and blocked the screen. Also I had to play the game twice because the medals didn't register the first time. Took less than 2 hours to play though the game twice though, so it wasn't too bad.

What I know for sure is that I'm not going to spend half a day trying to get the "Survive 3 bomb rounds" medal for 10 points. Seems like a colossal waste of time. I'm happy with the 12 medals I have from that game. I may play a few rounds every now and then to see if it comes up, but I'm not going to go out of my way to hunt it down.

I might consider going back to get the 100pt medals from Red Moon though, that game was fun. I always seem to die once when fighting the final boss though, does anyone have any tips for that fight?


In regards to the copyright discussion:

you're not right because you didn't say anything, you just kept saying stupid things just to troll me

Yeah, it's not like I talked to a lawyer about it and posted the conversation here to settle the issue once and for all or anything. That never happened.

But at least l know that l wasn't wrong when l said that a small tiny walkthrough doesn't have a copyright like the one that a book has...

Actually it's been unequivocally established that it does have copyright. Go read the conversation with my lawyer friend again, I specifically asked if a posted walkthru carries copyright and he said "of course."

That conversation established three things:

1) There is a reasonable expectation that if you post something it is your own original material. Thus "Posted by" implies "Written by" unless specified otherwise in the content of the ...contents.

2) Once you've posted something that meets the threshold of originality (or whatever it's called), and as mentioned earlier walkthrus do meet that threshold, you hold copyright on it without having to go out of your way to register it; it is automatic and intrinsic.

3) If you take copyrighted material and repost it without giving the original author credit, you are breaching copyright.

That's all information that came straight from the brain of a lawyer, who knows more about such things than you or I will ever learn. I'll make reference to these points as I describe what happened in this situation: Wylo posted the walkthru(1), which established his copyright(2), and you copied it from someone who copied it. Because it's in your news page, posted by you with no indication you didn't write it, it's expected by people visiting the page that you wrote it(1). Since copyright exists on walkthrus(2), by not crediting the original author you breached copyright(3). I'm really not sure how this could be any more clear.

Look, I accept that at the time you didn't think you were doing anything wrong; I've been in similar situations myself. It's your stubbornness and unwillingness to consider that you might have been wrong without knowing it that upsets me. One question, and if you answer it you don't have to say anything else because the rest of the discussion becomes moot: if Wylo asks you to add a citation that says which parts he wrote, will you do it?

Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!

Back my puzzle/adventure story mashup

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 10:56:37

At 6/25/09 10:33 AM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote: So was OCD+ game actually fixed? Because I can't speed up the time at 208.

*Gasp* I was lucky to get that medal before it got fixed

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 11:21:55

At 6/24/09 05:38 PM, Fleshlight wrote:
That looks like a pretty good game, although I believe getting the medals for it is gonna be a real pain the ass. I keep falling through platforms if I jump slightly on the side of them and I can´t correct myself while I´m falling through the platform either. Which is really making this game a whole lot more diffecult.
platforms are just horrible. It's like he went lazy when trying to make the boxes match where the coded ones are suppose to be.

Hate how most of these medals are going to mediocre developers.

Agreed. There was this level 1/9 where you had to make two very far jumps towards the center to get back on the pillars. However I kept jumping on the edge of the pillar, with the pillar outline slicing through the very center of the character, which brought me all the way back to the bottom again every time.

Anyway after getting to 2/3 or so I realized that this game is indeed quite repetive and boring... =/ Don´t feel like bothering with the rest of the medals, unless someone posts all the passwords.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 11:28:06

*cough* eihj7 / fkgl8 *cough*

i hated the fact that you could fall into walls and jump when you didnt want to and not jump when you wanted to... the controls seemed a bit to slow for my liking... also very sensative... oh well done and dusted now... 208 got fixed?... saves me wasting 7 hours... now i wont get it :3

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-25 11:40:41

I got to 2/5 or 2/6 pretty easily today, but after that there where some levels where I wished I could swear like the AVGN... there's no way I fight my way through all this levels with those stupid "lasers"...

At 6/25/09 11:28 AM, LegolaSS wrote: fkgl8

Yeah, I entered that and lost interest at the very fist level already... -.-

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38