At 6/20/09 01:35 PM, matt-likes-swords wrote: Just realised that the medal system does not support ActionScript 3.
Are there a lot of games that use that yet?
Funny; some of the users in the Flash forum said the opposite; that it only works in AS3 (which clearly wasn't true). Either way, I'm pretty sure many of the 'Games with Medals' use AS3. For example, the Doom Triple Pack uses Alchemy, which converts C++ to AS3, but not AS2.
I can't speak from experience, but perhaps Tom/Psycho/whoever only gives you the relavant code for the version which you are using. After all, AS3 hasn't really lost any functionality from AS2, and certainly not from AS1 (I don't think Pico's School's code was upgraded), so I don't see why it couldn't be used.