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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-19 23:43:52

At 6/19/09 11:22 PM, Wylo wrote:
At 6/19/09 11:19 PM, ThePathFinder wrote:
At 6/19/09 11:12 PM, Wylo wrote:
At 6/19/09 10:55 PM, ThePathFinder wrote: So I guess a guide for this game would be a long-ass list of Qs & As, huh? Killer... >_>
Indeed. I could put up a list of what I have so far but should I since its giving so much of the game away? Seriously, I need some more input on this.
Like us PMing questions and answers we run into?
Not what I meant, but that'd be nice. My question actually meant whether or not I should put a Q and A guide list up since putting it up would make the game completely obsolete and no point to it.

I say no as well, it would render the game pointless, though having all the answers wouldn't make it any easier finding them from a long list or remembering them. Honestly a game like this where an FAQ instantly ruins it I say there shouldn't be one.

Incidentally just got the trump card achievement, so either it has been fixed or like the other medal the total required is just a little higher than advertised (I got 27000- please ignore my score on the leaderboard as I stumbled on a rather entertaining glitch that continually doubled my score every time I played)

I've got most of them now, time for sleep...

Sig by lebastic

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-19 23:48:03


At 6/19/09 11:36 PM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote: I don't know about you guys, but I could only get the medical and the history questions right...

I was like that about 8 hours ago, but there are a finite number of questions. Just keep restarting the game after a few rounds and they will start to repeat, and with a bit of time invested you can get to the point where you know the answer to almost every question, American or not.

Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 00:04:59

Incidentally just got the trump card achievement, so either it has been fixed or like the other medal the total required is just a little higher than advertised (I got 27000- please ignore my score on the leaderboard as I stumbled on a rather entertaining glitch that continually doubled my score every time I played)

well now people are going to start trying to find that glitch...

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 00:22:03

Drop the Bomb has just too many questions about things before the 1980s. How is most of Newgrounds supposed to know that without playing for like a day straight to memorize all the answers.
I also ran into just some obscure question that no one would get first time without guessing, it was something about a sailing championship, really who on NG would follow sailing.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 02:02:41

The author has said that the Extra Innings is a typo and should be 15, he told Tom to change it, but I think he is changing it in game to be 10. Also he said the some medals clash in the game, if you earn one medal, you can't earn any others during the trigger point and apparently a few medals have the same trigger point. He said he is trying to get them fixed.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 02:25:55

At 6/20/09 02:02 AM, SevasTra wrote:

Glad to see that not every author is a jerk haha glad he's fixing it.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 02:53:29

At 6/19/09 10:24 PM, Gooch wrote: This sucks. Every question on that game keeps coming up undefined. I even tried deleting all sites and clearing my cookies and such, and I'm still getting nothing but undefined questions.

This is bogus as fuck, basically. :(

I'm getting the same stupid thing. It's not fun trying to play this game if you can't even complain with the rest of you guys about the difficulty of these questions.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 03:45:36

i have to agree... for all us non americans that game is stupidly hard... i dont know anything about american sport, tv and a few random ones... im fine with science... if there was a maths one it would be great... but having questions based in american really makes it hard for us who dont know the slightly thing about your history... :P

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 04:31:53

Hm... All questions are undefined... Tried to refresh but it didn't work... :/

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 04:41:01

When I uploaded the first version of D-Day Defender (with medals) I accidentally submitted an old bugged version. I resubmitted what I thought was a version that fixed all bugs (which took about 2 days to get approved), but I see there are still some problems. Everything seems to mess up after you get the Panzerschreck medal, I'll look into that right away.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 04:53:59

I'm making a post in my account with all questions for Drop the Bomb.


Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 06:26:05

I don´t like drop the bomb that much. Most of the trivia questions asked seem very specialized in one subject and do not really fall under the catagory basic knowledge if ask me.

Even questions that do fall into a catagory I normally do well on are just too diversed to know all the answers. Like music questions about both rappers and rock bands. Sorry, but I just don´t give a crap about american rap music. And I am sure people who are into rap don´t give a crap about classic rock bands.

Also, most history, tv and sports questions seem very Americanish. How am I supposed to know in which year some baseball player made his 700th homerun? Or which state entered the union as the 48th state? We don´t care about such things in Europe =/

So the questions just suck ass. 80% are just total guesses for me because I never know that much about a certain subject. The only way to actually get the medals in this game seems to me by simply memorizing the answers, which is just lame.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 07:03:51

Right, I think I fixed all the Medal glitches for D-Day Defender, I re-submitted the file but it's gonna take a while for it to get approved. If you see a '1.m' in the top left hand corner of the menu you're playing the glitch-free (I hope) version.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 07:10:42

At 6/20/09 07:03 AM, Xeptic wrote: Right, I think I fixed all the Medal glitches for D-Day Defender, I re-submitted the file but it's gonna take a while for it to get approved. If you see a '1.m' in the top left hand corner of the menu you're playing the glitch-free (I hope) version.

Goody, because I got 500 enemy kills and the text came up but no picture and no medal sooo.. Hope you fixed that up.
In relation to your previous post, I think it was because of the panzershreck medal.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 07:12:14

At 6/20/09 07:03 AM, Xeptic wrote: Right, I think I fixed all the Medal glitches for D-Day Defender, I re-submitted the file but it's gonna take a while for it to get approved. If you see a '1.m' in the top left hand corner of the menu you're playing the glitch-free (I hope) version.

Thanks for taking the time to fix your game, because that seems to be a problem for some people these days *COUGH*dimz*COUGH*komix*COUGH* I can't wait to play the glitch free, hopefully, version of D-Day Defender.


Current Medal Score 49220. Ranked:90th +12

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 08:00:57

I have made a news post listing every question and answer from Drop The Bomb.

Currently there are 2 out of 10 question categories, I'll update with more as soon as possible. It takes a long time to get every question & answer and then write it down. There are tons of questions in this game.


Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 10:20:05

I like quiz games, but Drop the Bomb is too specialized. "Which former NFL Quarterback was on the cover of one Madden NFL Football game?"
Yeah, I couldn't even name ONE former NFL Quarterback, no matter if he appeard on Madden NFL or not.

"Which one of those states does not border the atlantic ocean?"
If I'm lucky I can only name a few states of the US, but even then I'm not entirely sure where exactly they are located.

"What structure did the Whig party use in the presidental campaign of William Henry Harrison?"
WTF? What is the Whigh party, and who the fuck is William Henry Harrison?
It's like if I was asking any non-german user "Who was the first opposition leader of the federal republic of Germany?" Even german users wouldn't know the answer (myself included ;) ), so how could I expect anyone else to know it?

Also, I survived three bomb rounds, but didn't get the medal... :(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 11:36:53

At 6/19/09 01:03 PM, Haggard wrote: No, you don't.

Yes you do.

Also quoted from Wikipedia: "Some jurisdictions have required formalities to establishing copyright, but most recognize copyright in any completed work, without formal registration."
Most, but not all.
If you invent something, you have to pay to get a copyright or else they can freely take your ideas and say that they did it.
No, they can't.

Oh my god either you're trolling me or you really want to prove me wrong...YOU NEED TO PAY TO GET A COPYRIGHT...why do you think that the "tm" or whatever sign exists?
To say: this has been copyrighted, you can't copy it.
If it doesen't have it, it automatically means that you can.

Basically, you'll have a copyright on your idea when you make it public. "Making it public" can even be: "Say it out loud in a subway."
However, it might be a bit difficult to prove that you said it out loud in a subway and then someone heard it and stole your idea. ;)

Well, proving that you made it is why copyright exists.
If another guy copyrights YOUR idea then you can't do shit about it unless you have some hard evidence...

You never have to pay to get a copyright. You have to pay to get something patentet, but that's something different (and you only pay a service fee, I think).

Taken from bl.uk:

"Although there are some exceptions, you will need to pay a copyright fee in most cases, including:

If the document you are ordering is intended for any kind of commercial use whatsoever, or research / private study with a commercial purpose
If you are not registered with the British Library, are registered as a commercial organisation or as an individual
If you are based in the USA
If you order a document to be supplied by secure electronic delivery. Customers based in the UK and Ireland may order Library Privilege documents to be supplied by Standard or 24 hour secure electronic delivery, but 2 hour secure electronic delivery always requires payment of a copyright fee.
If you are ordering more than one copy of the same article, or more than one article from the same issue of the journal (a separate copyright fee will have to be paid for each copy we make)
If you want to circulate copies within your organisation."

You copied it and gave it out as your own work, that's infringing the copyright.

And that's where you are wrong because I NEVER SAID IT WAS MY OWN.
I just posted it.

Yes you can copy small parts of other books and put it in your own, that's called !quoting". But if you quote someone you have to make it clear, give sources, etc. .

Sure, but only if it's something important...flash reviews are not literature...

And please think before replying.
Great, now l have to read 3 more pages of this thread..

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 11:40:20

At 6/19/09 06:46 PM, Wylo wrote: I scanned through every page of reviews to find the users who copied my guide. You know what I found? 2 users right after each other exactly the same that took word-for-word my guide and noone else that took even a single line. So if you took a 'small' part from each of the identical reviews that would still be 50% each.

Right, but how should l know that it was your guide since it was in 3-4 reviews?

seems to me that HeavyTank was legally allowed to do what he did, especially since he did make some noticable edits. Not saying it was ethical, but people here seem to be arguing about the legality of it.

There you go.

They weren't edits. They were add-ons. If out of a 35 line post, and you can claim only 6 lines of it, you can claim it wholly as your own? Its is not only un-ethical, but also illegal.

I didn't claim it as my own, EVER.
And that's what you all failed to understand...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 12:44:49

At 6/20/09 11:36 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Oh my god either you're trolling me or you really want to prove me wrong...YOU NEED TO PAY TO GET A COPYRIGHT...why do you think that the "tm" or whatever sign exists?

Read this, "Is registration required" is the paragraph you're looking for.

Also of interest: Obtaining and enforcing copyright

Also, please don't constantly mix up "trademark" (tm), "registered trademark" (r) and "copyright" (c).

Yes, you have to pay to get it registered, but you don't need to register it to get a copyright granted.
Maybe we where just talking past each other.

And now please let this topic rest... if you want to add something to it, drop me a PM. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 13:29:29

Quoted from is4profit,com

What is Copyright?

'Copyright gives the creators of certain kinds of material rights to control ways their material can be used. These rights start as soon as the material is recorded in writing or in any other way.'

Your wrong heavytank, just bloody admit.

Also Drop The Bomb is crazy hard, they are all 'americanized' if you catch my drift.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 13:34:16

all drop the bomb questions and answers:

http://www.plunder.com/-download-107e08f a64.htm


Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 13:35:11

Just realised that the medal system does not support ActionScript 3.
Are there a lot of games that use that yet?

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 13:41:45

that game is broken i got to the bonus rond and i didn't get the bomb for 3 clicks and i didn't get the medal crap game

the real newgrounds gold

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 14:30:18

At 6/20/09 07:03 AM, Xeptic wrote: Right, I think I fixed all the Medal glitches for D-Day Defender, I re-submitted the file but it's gonna take a while for it to get approved. If you see a '1.m' in the top left hand corner of the menu you're playing the glitch-free (I hope) version.

well I unlocked all the in game achievements, but I didn't get a few of them. What does that mean?

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 15:34:33

At 6/20/09 01:34 PM, wadecam wrote: all drop the bomb questions and answers:

http://www.plunder.com/-download-107e08f a64.htm


Uh.. it's hard as fuck to understand anything... There's a shitload of text, and it's all messed up.

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 15:58:24

At 6/20/09 03:34 PM, dx5231 wrote:
At 6/20/09 01:34 PM, wadecam wrote: all drop the bomb questions and answers:

http://www.plunder.com/-download-107e08f a64.htm

Uh.. it's hard as fuck to understand anything... There's a shitload of text, and it's all messed up.

all you can do is memorize it all and play the game. Unless you're really lucky or have that much knowledge or random US crap

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 16:19:21

== Drop The Bomb ==

At 6/20/09 03:30 PM, Gooch wrote: Could anybody suggest anything else that may help me with not getting every question as an undefined question? This is just getting a little old now. I've tried everything that I usually do, but nothing has done the trick, unfortunately.

Delete the SOL file after every play. Importantly, when you don't have the flash open and the grey play button is there.

Each time you play the game, it culls different questions from out in the ether, so the SOL file could at any time, have a mix and match of batches of different questions, and amounts as well.

For example, just a heads up to the people downloading that text file- unless he spent 12 hours sorting and removing duplicates from 200+ instances of opening said SOL file with DIFFERENT QUESTIONS each time, that is in now way a complete file.
Now if he decompiled the code and somehow found where it was pulling from, then, I'll give him this one. But I don't decompile stuff, so... Yeah. :)

Also, who is that guy on that 100 point medal? I googled but do not get the pop culture reference between him and the achievement required to gain said medal.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 16:42:34

I certainly hope you're not implying that user is Matt Ottinger.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-06-20 17:42:17

At 5/20/09 05:53 PM, STEM wrote: Mech 2 - Epic Battle Fantasy

how do you get the radar on his shoulder?


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