At 6/15/09 06:15 AM, matt-likes-swords wrote:
I just had a dream that I was playing new medal games.
My condolences to HeavyTank.
I still blame NG for not having any redundancy in the API, or something like that.
Sigh...l just lost because of a stupid error...l kept telling myself "play it safe", but in the end of the Goku battle, when he had spiritbombed, l should;ve attacked with Seiken AND catastrophe, that woul've killed him....but l defended, and l had no Waters of life left.
Of course if l could actually see his health at any given time this would not have Matt, please add this feature to EBF2, and even 1 if you can...l don't feel like losing again..
Today l wasted 5 hours of my life with that game and l got a 10 point medal!How fair is that?