At 5/13/09 12:45 PM, Caraboo wrote:
At 5/13/09 04:49 AM, Frank-The-Hedgehog wrote:
Seriously, I should be getting the ruthless metal(killed BOTH the worm and milos), and yet I am not getting anything.
Kill the Scavenger after he gives you the bomb too.
I thought I stressed this enough in my screenshot, look at it CAREFULLY. See which characters I killed and what objectives I did, here is what you NEED for the Ruthless medal.
Actually hell I'll do a walkthrough for both the Professional and Ruthless medals.
* Pick up the cigar and gun from the table, then charge your gun (Pro/Ruthless)
* Go into the next room, select cigar from inventory and give it to the trader, pick up the hose after he has it. After that get your gun out then select him again, he will tell you to put it away so it's best to do as he says: holster your weapon. (Pro/Ruthless)
* A favor object will pop up, step outside into the next door. Click the little lever next to the door, then go to the right path. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Pick up the babies doll off the stone, click the writing, SHOOT THE BUNNIES. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Continue to the right path, select the hose from the inventory and connect it to the pipe with the water flowing out of it, a stone will be unvealed, follow down it to meet up with the worm. (Pro/Ruthless)
* New objective to kill Milos, go left again, kill the bunnies again, and go left again, continue into the right door to a new place, block A respectively. Holster your weapon and click or double click the conveyor belt, you will be allowed through so go in. (Pro/Ruthless)
* You will see a fire alarm (also make sure to check the sign to the left to see if it's a triangle, circle of square - note this down), set it off to make the robot come dashing in. Leave him and go right outside again into the car, click the snake type thing for a new favor objective. After that backtrack back to the fire alarm place and this time go left. (Pro/Ruthless)
* You will see a bin next to the dog type thing, click it for a bottle of ale, might aswell click the dog guy here and the alien sitting on the bench for two more favors then go back to the right where the fire alarm was, click the trader and trade the bottle for the plug socket. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Go back left and click the plug to the left of the alien, go into your inventory and put it in. This will power up the coffee machine for you. Exit that and go down the stairs to your left next to the bathroom. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Click the jacket for the combination 4827, then click the locker to the right and take the coffee from the bottom. Click the locker to the left after that and enter the combination in, take the mug from the top and click the file on the right of the locker. NOW dependant of which letter you saw on the sign, click that part of the file and note the combination down then click the keypad to the right of the laser field and put that combination in. Load your weapon up and IF you want to kill more bunnies, click the middle locker and enter the comination 1977 in and shoot them all (you heartless bastard). After doing that click the thing to the right side of the lockers and switch the fan to the right hand side. Move back up the stairs. (Pro/Ruthless)
NOTE: There are rumours to be a glitch here, if you cannot retrieve the mug from the locker then enter the laser field combination first then go back into the locker to get it.
* Click the coffee machine and enter your inventory, put the coffee in first, then the mug, you will receive a cup of coffee. Give that to the guard and he will go into the toilets. Best follow him in there. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Pull out your gun and zap the bodyguard into oblivion, favor collected. Click the bin for a popcorn case then click the fan with the red strings on and click the hole. Shoot the red switch at the end and then leave the bathroom. Enter the newly opened room that the bodyguard was guarding. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Pull out your gun on Milos and he will shit bricks. Put away your gun to hear the sinister plan to kill the worm instead. Take the green vial he leaves on his desk. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Blow Milos into oblivion, objective done. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Step outside of his office and back right, leave down back through the clearance gate and right again where the bunnies hopping around are. Go right again where the worm is but this time go right again. Kill the bunny and step into the Scavengers hut. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Give the green vial to the scavenger and he will make a bomb for you, then blow him to oblivion with your gun. Take the briefcase and the guitar hero controller in the background and make your way back to the worm. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Go down to the worm and receive the key. Head back left and kill more bunnies (woo) and continue left back into block A. Place your weapon onto the conveyor belt again and proceed into the block. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Go to the trading post and swop the guitar hero controller for the sock, then combine the sock with the popcorn case. Then combine the newly made item with the head to make the doll. Go back to the right door to the snake man and give him the doll. Favor collected. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Open up the metal container behind you and use the key for a little puzzle. (Pro/Ruthless)
PUZZLE SOLUTION: Click the red wire and put it in the top hole, turn the two top red lights to green, then move the wire to the middle, turn the lights to green and the same for the bottom two. Then click the switch on the top left hand corner to move the cylinder up. Then you will see two square knobs, move them all the way to the right then use the little left hand arrow below to latch onto the metal casing. Press the square button next to it, then the right arrow to detach it. Remove the green chip object from the case. Then X it.
* Return to the worm and give him the chip, he will give you a newly hacked chip (you may kill the bunnies on the way if you havn't got your bunny medal. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Step back into the worms pit and use the bomb on him, lmao. (Ruthless)
* Go back to the trading post (if you still have kept your gun deactivated then the gate will still be open - if not, put it on again), you will be in block A, yet again. (Pro/Ruthless)
* Click the trading and place the bomb instead of an item, thus killing him and receiving a favor. Then take all his posessions in the windows. (Pro)
* Go back to the left and give the dog his briefcase, favor collected. Go back down the stairs and activate your gun again. Then return back to the snake man and place the newly hacked chip where you got it from, you will now be able to enter the new area. (Pro/Ruthless)
* In the new area, enter the first door and click the temperature thing to your left, turn it all the way to the right (hot) and exit that room, enter the third door to the right and take the mug from the desk, then enter the first room again, turn the temperature all the way to the left again (cold) and open the microwave. Place the mug in the microwave and it will explode, enter the wall and take the red badge from the floor. Observe the fish tank for the number 173 and exit the rooms again back into the hallway. (Pro/Ruthless)
* This time, enter the far right door and click the green monitor on the wall, firstly, click book to book your appointment. After that, click swop and enter the code 173 when it comes up, this will complete your objective. Then last click exit screen and enter the room to come face to face with the senator. Skip the dialogue and blow him away with your gun. (Pro/Ruthless)
I can do each medal path, but I'm guessing you can figure it out for yourselves with this now.
If you followed the Professional path, you should unlock the following medals: Professional, Pink Massacre.
If you followed the Ruthless path, you should unlock the following medals: Ruthless, Pink Massacre.