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NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:28:15

I'm proposing and army for NG...
(not like guns & stuff)
more like a mix of "the blam club" and the
"whistle club".
It will be the ultimate force on NG.
So if you're part of The blam club, whistle club or anything simialr.. come & join... or if you just wanna be in..
if we get enough people I'll make a little NG ARMY logo


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:29:22

can i join

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:30:15

I'll join in for kicks.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:32:44

you can number your sleves if you want but really the ranking will just be off levels.... beacuse they impact most on voting & whistle blowing...


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:34:19

At 9/26/03 10:32 PM, Enoll wrote: you can number your sleves if you want but really the ranking will just be off levels.... beacuse they impact most on voting & whistle blowing...

I like 4!!... even if I'm 3... or just forget numbers altogether and just keep track of how many join.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:34:29

ok atomic u can be #2 and ill be #3

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:36:42

ok srew the numbers just put # in Ng Army

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:37:10

I'll join.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:38:04

how does ur whistle levle up? because i used it today and nothing happened.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:39:57

Yeah.. dont worry about numbers.... being a higher number seems to deter people..
just put NG ARMY... in your sig...
I'll come up with a pic later
count's at 4 inc. me so far..


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:43:16

I guess I'm #2 then... or something... oh, for whistle level it goes something like: you blow whistle -> admin views movie and reasons for whistle (if any) -> makes decision on whistle blowing -> movie is kept/banned based on decision and user who blew whistle gets rewarded for good whistle blowing or reprimanded for excessive poor judgement of whistle blowing.

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:44:20

im in! lets kill magical musical and ngwo~ and btw what # am i?

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:47:11

At 9/26/03 10:44 PM, KuKluxKlanIsBad4U wrote: im in! lets kill magical musical and ngwo~ and btw what # am i?

I think your #5.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:49:05

At 9/26/03 10:44 PM, KuKluxKlanIsBad4U wrote: im in! lets kill magical musical and ngwo~ and btw what # am i?

we aren't about killing other crew/clubs (unless they're all dicks ( this outrules magical musical and most others) or just straight out pointless.. (like "marshmello crew" or something)
we arent going to use numbers but you can number your self if you want... just pic an number & tkae it if it's not already taken......the higher your experince/whistle level the more authority you have..


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:53:14

ok kool

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:53:17

Ill join, aslong as you hand out rankings (Im not asking to be high ranks, its just that without rankings things fall appart - communism mainly).

I've covered wars, ya know.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 22:53:47

I guess i'll be #4, then. Here's to blaming the crap off NG. :)

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:04:21

At 9/26/03 10:53 PM, Andy_Parker wrote: Ill join, aslong as you hand out rankings

fine... you can have rankings.... if you like fire or blowing shit up youe - demolition
if you're a tricky bastard you're - espionage
if you just do what peope tell you - grunt
if you spread the word - propaganda officer

ya know stuff like that.....
we cant have spiffy indiviadual name for everyone ... do you get where I'm comming from?
(imagine of the blam club did that)
just make up your own according to what your personality is...
it'll all work out


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:16:33

No, i mean like, there is the
President - you
/ \
VP Advisers
/ \
/ \
Advanced Members Guards (Report spamming etc)
Regular Members

Thats the best diagram i could draw and i hope it comes out alright. Anyhow, am i part of the army?

I've covered wars, ya know.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:19:09

Ok, it didnt work. Basically this is how the ranks should work (1 being highest
1. President
2. Vice President and Advisers
3. Administration people
4. Advanced Members and guards
5. Regular Members

I've covered wars, ya know.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:30:08

At 9/26/03 11:16 PM, Andy_Parker wrote:

comes out alright. Anyhow, am i part of the army?

well.. scince you have been so helpfull you can be a
I guess I'm preisident scine I stared this....


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:33:24

At 9/26/03 11:30 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 9/26/03 11:16 PM, Andy_Parker wrote:
comes out alright. Anyhow, am i part of the army?

well.. scince you have been so helpfull you can be a
I guess I'm preisident scine I stared this....

Wait,i dont mean to sound ungreatful and I might be reading your post wrongly but im not sure if u realise that Vice Pres and Adviser are 2 different things, with equal rank. Anyhow, if u didnt you do now, and if u did then u wasted 20 seconds reading this post. Eitherway its great to be in the army.

I just hope i have enough room in my sig to write it.

I've covered wars, ya know.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:35:02

At 9/26/03 11:30 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 9/26/03 11:16 PM, Andy_Parker wrote:
comes out alright. Anyhow, am i part of the army?

well.. scince you have been so helpfull you can be a
I guess I'm preisident scine I stared this....

We should use the rankings you suggested as well. The command structure should just be to maintain the smooth operation of the NG Army.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:37:19

At 9/26/03 11:35 PM, paulz_69 wrote:
We should use the rankings you suggested as well. The command structure should just be to maintain the smooth operation of the NG Army.

You will probably be an Adviser but you will have to ask Enoll. I think we should have a max of about 4 or 5 advisers.

I've covered wars, ya know.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:38:15

At 9/26/03 11:35 PM, paulz_69 wrote: We should use the rankings you suggested as well. The command structure should just be to maintain the smooth operation of the NG Army.

Ok then how we go about "assigning" ranks then?

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:40:23

At 9/26/03 11:35 PM, paulz_69 wrote: We should use the rankings you suggested as well. The command structure should just be to maintain the smooth operation of the NG Army.

you shall be an adviser.. just as long as you dont just dissapear after afew days.. and continue to help the NG ARMY cause
do you acept?


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:43:25

At 9/26/03 11:38 PM, Atomicus wrote: Ok then how we go about "assigning" ranks then?

well I think the most helpfull memebers should begiven ranks of advanced memeber & stuff like that where as people who are just along for the ride will get the lowest........
the first few memebrs should get the best ranks... only if the agree to stay around and help organise


Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:46:03

At 9/26/03 11:40 PM, Enoll wrote:
At 9/26/03 11:35 PM, paulz_69 wrote: We should use the rankings you suggested as well. The command structure should just be to maintain the smooth operation of the NG Army.
you shall be an adviser.. just as long as you dont just dissapear after afew days.. and continue to help the NG ARMY cause
do you acept?

Ya i'm in.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:46:35

At 9/26/03 11:43 PM, Enoll wrote: a bunch of stuff

Sounds agreable! I'll stick around, I'm basically addicted to NG so I'm on whenever I'm not with my friends and have spare time.

I wonder if we should replace PRES/VP etc with army rankings: Pres = General, VP = Colonel, etc etc...

It's been a while... I play somewhere else now.

Response to NG ARMY 2003-09-26 23:49:24

y dont we just do it in the order we came in Enoll is # Atomic is #2 im #3 and so on