At 1/4/07 01:11 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
I believe that the reason why SS is spamming in the portal madly is because of the whinny NG n00bs. I have seen many unmature NG users leaving abusive reviews on their entries. Apparently, all SS wants is attention, The more people pay attention on them (leaving abusive reviews, e.g) the more encouraged they are. The best way of dealing with SS is NOT to leave any review on their entries so that you will not get what they want --- attention.
Dream-of-Duke thank you for stating the obvious. Most of the SS member do this stuff just to piss off the masses. Sadly even if the regulars don't review, The NG Noobs will not only leave abusive reviews, but give the SS what it wants in the process. This will only hurt the NG noobs not the SS. Since the whistle system has been changed those review get flagged faster and even deleted before the movie even passes or get blammed and said user might even get review banned.
It was the same thing with the BB back in the day when they used to make their low quality movies ( I don't call them crappy because the movies themselves were funny to me) I even spoke with a BB member in the past and he told me the exact reason why they would do it and it was for attention. They even told me if people didn't give them attention they would quit and go elsewhere.
But on a side note though I think some NG users take the Internet way too seriously in some cases. If the NG Newbie's looked at the original flashes of NG, they would see that some of the stuff that is low quality is actually just going back to NG roots but this isn't with all cases though.
Well later for now people I don't know when I will get back online though >_<
Smooches ^_^