this was awesome, in the begining the gezzer that was talking was weird and the graphics was alright and i was waiting for someone to make a song about luis cuase' hes my favorite flash artist hes the best. W00t!!!
this was awesome, in the begining the gezzer that was talking was weird and the graphics was alright and i was waiting for someone to make a song about luis cuase' hes my favorite flash artist hes the best. W00t!!!
this made me laff a lot, and I dont even know who luis is! ahaha
Do you guys really do that kinda stuff at mod meets? I wish I were a mod.
Great movie, btw. lol'd!
P.S. White penis?!?
I cant descirbe this flash with words
But I cant sumbit a review without words ):
Luis Day Song
lol, the simplicity of that song was what made it the most funniest.