I can't rate this rip off
I guess you never had hear about plagiarism. Its when you copy from a source and call it your own.
Please, don't waste OUR TIME with your trash.
I can't rate this rip off
I guess you never had hear about plagiarism. Its when you copy from a source and call it your own.
Please, don't waste OUR TIME with your trash.
i jst fink ur racist
dis iz jst a stupid excuse for u to use tha word n****r so many times, n y did u call DjThunderbass a n***a. wud u like it if i called u a pale faced wigga crackhead??
Ooh My Review got Deleted
"The best racial fighting game to date."
I Think Street Fighter Is A Better Race Based Fighing Game
total enjoyment...none
improve just about everything.