This game is very stupid. Too many asians
This game is very stupid. Too many asians
total enjoyment...none
improve just about everything.
Ooh My Review got Deleted
"The best racial fighting game to date."
I Think Street Fighter Is A Better Race Based Fighing Game
i jst fink ur racist
dis iz jst a stupid excuse for u to use tha word n****r so many times, n y did u call DjThunderbass a n***a. wud u like it if i called u a pale faced wigga crackhead??
A poorly drawn spinning head throws up a green mess and then in reverse, eats it back up. I really don't understand how this got through judgement, as it's not funny or earth-shattering. There is no audio whatsoever and animation style is very simple and nothing new. In future work, you should have something more than a spinning head doing pretty much nothing.