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Reviews for "Bunnykill 3 Vol.2"


I saw Bunnykill 3 part 1 the day it came out, and after waiting like, what, two years? My patience has finally payed off with this piece of violent, and comic gold. I like how Snowball seem annoyed at all the Star Wars references (the double-edged light saber, the black bunny having a purple one, etc).

Since you are back, I want to actually thank you. When I first saw BunnyKill 1, I loved the music, and after reading the credits found the band (Turmion Katilot) and they have been my favorite band since. Just figured I would thank you for that.

Mottis responds:


Actually Snowball's frustration was caused by the fact that Smoke had carried a lightsaber with him all this time, but never bothered to use it.(and everyone knows lighsaber>>>>>laser guns) Alltough I do see how one could misunderstand it, it's hard to make the bunnies communicate trough body language only.


Looks like the episodes only get better. Love the grenade launcher almost reminds me of the brute shot on Halo. I wonder were Bunnykill 4 will take us =D

Mottis responds:

I <3 Halo =)

Oh crap!

His mate died! The best chapter yet! fantastic work!




i've could'nt view it better myself 10/10 5/5