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Reviews for "How KK Cartoons are Made!"

So true

This statement is true, but half their stuff gets blammed anyway. This isn't really necessary.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Wrong my friend. Most their stuff passes because they have so many people to automatically give a 5.

I have nothing to do with this fight

This flash makes me feel disconnected.
It seems to me that both sides of this thing are flooding the portal with poorly made flash accusing the other side of producing poorly made flash. Somebody give it a rest. This fight is boring and it's getting old real fast. You can't stop annoying people from submitting to an open forum. No matter how many clips you make. Some creative advice make some art, make something that can be enjoyed by everyone, not just a tiny minority of the New Grounds community. More art less bicker!

kitty-and-meander responds:

Well you are right, I just wanted to make them look like asses and I'm thoughroly satisfied.

It's a nice idea...

But flashes shouldn't pass based on their idea alone.

I really get tired of giving advice to people I don't think are newbies, but here it goes anyway.

Graphics. Hardly anything. Some text. Apparently a house sketched onto a sheet of paper. Animation consisted of moving text and some jello-like body movement. The only thing of any value was that annoying kid and the annoying cat...person.

Sound. A song in the background, I think it was a song from Air. Some voice acting that wasn't the worst thing I've heard but still not good.

Idea. Bashing some group of people. Well, that never gets old if it's done right, but this wasn't done right at all. It needs an element of humor and stereotyping to be any good.

kitty-and-meander responds:

This WAS the element of stereotyping. Both the little "[KK] Flashes" in here was JUST like what they make.

so the moral of the story is....

if you can't beat them.... join them.

when i clicked the "watch this movie" button i actually expeced a much better flash than what i saw. this submission is no better or no worse that what the KK crank out daily... and look, yours passed just like thiers does.

this idea could have been presented in a much better fashion. kudos for your intentions anyway. i scored you low because thats what you deserve but i gave you the PP beacuse it was kinda funny, but not really.

and this whole lets kill the kitties, you may as well say lets kill the clocks and locks and how about socks or cocks? robot ranger, barney bunch and uzi union... i find humor in all of the groups even if their flash skills are horrible (so they want us to beLIEve) but fighting fire with fire here is like saying i hate you but lets go make out...

2 for the road, at least i got mine in.
happy flashing!!!!

kitty-and-meander responds:

Join them? Never would happen. This flash did not score that high, but its had many reveiws. All that shows me after reading all these reveiws is that this is even more of a controversial issue than I believed. Thanks for the mediocre reveiw (sincerely). Because I too believe all I earned was what you gave. I didn't work up to my potential on this one. I just wanted a little humor to make the look like the asses they are. But man, so much backfire, crossfire, and a TON of people agreeing with me. I even got a sarcastic review from the Kitty Krew leader giving me straight 10s.


Well, it wasn't much better than the movies you're trying to get rid of. In fact, for entertainment value, I'd rather watch one of their movies.

No one I know cares about the Kitty Krew/Crew/whatever it is. Eventually they will get bored and then people will forget about them. Just let them die.

kitty-and-meander responds:

Yes but we want to speed up the process. And at least my cartoon was more then a loop of 10 frames and a crap song!