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Reviews for "DwarfinatorClock's quest"

lol wut?

Yeah one of those haha this was true greatness minus the bad animation,the story was up there on cloud 9 and the voice acting was good but the dialogue was just hilarous along with the crazy antics,great stuff Dwarf. ^_^


Finally, a new movie by DWARF! This is now the best ClockDay ever.

Very splodey.

Nice work with the semi-random explosions and the randomness in general. You got something going for you here. In conclusion, yes, the movie did need more penguins.
General Guy.

Aw Shucks

Great piece of cinema

Confusing... but funny!

Epic story is epic. Well, maybe it's not really epic, but it is a lot more than I expected from a clock day submission.

The story is a bit hard to follow at times because of all the random events but exactly those random events are making the flash so funny.

I like it how even the narrator doesn't exactly knows whats going on and is as confused as the viewer. What is it that lives there on the island? Horses? Robots? Horbots? No, Robots with little black guys inside. Very nice.

Well, the graphics are very sloppy throughout the flash, but well, it's a submission for clock day, so I think the graphcis are okay the way they are now.

{ Review Request Club }