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Reviews for "Joy of Juice '06"


Blow up my speakers with that explosion at the end why don't you?

Good joke. Amazing animation. 9.

Not bad...

infact i liked it, all u other clocks should learn from this guy if u did who nos maybe u wouldnt suck so much.

TremcladClock responds:

Wow, I can't belive you actually wrote a good review for a non-mainstream flash movie.


I feel kinda sorry for you guys who make serious submissions on clockday. I mean, your movies must be quite forgotten in all piece of crap that goes in to the portal today.

TremcladClock responds:

In a place as massive as Newgrounds, you can't possibly expect the majority of users to be able to exercise some maturity and spend some time on a decent submission. Personally I care more about submitting something that can actually be considered a movie than simply getting another credit on my account.

Great remake.

I watched the original version of this after watching it, and you have made a huge improvement. I love the detail you put into the clock's hands. That explosion scared the hell out of me the first time though XD

TremcladClock responds:



I got 1 question. How much juice did he drink. Him Exploding but he comes back. Hilarious!!!!