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Reviews for "Joy of Juice '06"


Funny, tremclad very funny. Adding to favs. Also don't forget to fifen my movies to. Happy Clock Day, to all!

Happy Clock Day!

haha beautiful. Of course I don't need to remind you that you cannot kill StrawberryClock...

Submitted to the collection!

TremcladClock responds:


Happy clockday!

Best i've seen all day now!
anyways 5'd to protect <3

TremcladClock responds:


i love you man

sure thing

TremcladClock responds:


That was freaking awesome yo!

Really nice cell shaded style graphics and it was pretty funny! I wish more of the clock day submissions were short and funny like this instead of stupid.

TremcladClock responds:

Thanks for the nice review. I know it takes some digging to find the good movies on Clock day, a lot of people take advantage of the voting curve to get their shit through judgement.