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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

Fantastic Game. Very Well Done

This game was well thought out and designed in a way that makes it interesting and addictive. It never plays the same way twice. This game had no glitches and the quality was perfect. I am surprised this is a free game. This game has better quality and design than games like Rebound Lost Worlds due to the fact the holes never play the same way twice. I'll say it again, Very well done. Great Job, keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this quality game with us.


not an old idea, very concept

the 1st set of levels kl 2nd set even kler

now there was nothing wrong with that all the other flash makers should learn of u , 1 thing though theres a glitch that if u bounce on ice 4 a minute u go through it can u fix that

Awesome Game!

Reeeeeeeeeealy gooooooooooooood! Keep em comin!

I love it!

best golf game ive ever played. lol