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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

This is so cool...

I got like 8 holes in one. Endorsed by 9 out of 10 NASA scientists on coffee break.

Slide rule?? Pfffff, this is golf, dude.

slow and boring

Its just not the sorta game I like, normaly I DO LIKE golf games but this is just bad. Theres just a bad feel about it. I mean it isn't fun its frustraiting and its more luck then anything else.

Pretty boring

Boring, but the graphics are good.

Ps. The Highscore table wont show for me.

I don't really like it...

Yea, the graphics ae good, but the game ends too fast. Noone who finished it decides to play it again!


I got #1 in the hiscores cuz i got into an endless loop that finally came to an end giving me TONS OF POINTS!