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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

I was on level 31

I was on level 31 but the flash application crashed. My score was 39,324,524 at that point.

This was fun at first but got kind of silly later on, when all the obstacles made winning it more luck than skill. Also I think that the scoring is skewed: you shouldn't have "x16" bonuses and holes in 1 should not be worth a million (though a hole in 1 actually is a low scoring shot once you get into the later levels, it still is way too much on the earlier ones). Something like two thirds of my score was from just three levels, where I got x8 or x16 bonuses and a lot of airtime.


y cant i submit? i got 58,932,367!!! :(

Armegalo responds:

Sorry - teething problems.
Bug fixed now.

Dude, I got 33,093,574

But it won't let me submit cause it thought I used the Password! Fix this!

Armegalo responds:

Fixed, thanks for bringing it to my attention. The bug only happens the first time you play it, so naturally I never saw the bug!

Awesome game...

That was a sweet game, I played all the way through, but at the end it said that my name wouldn't be entered as a high score due to password use, though I didn't use a password (it really doesn't matter in retrospect, because my score wasn't even high enough to place on the board, but still, it's a bug you might want to check on)

Armegalo responds:

Bug fixed :)


yet difficult for me lol good job