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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"

like it

even tho it isnt original it mite aswell be
very good job

Thats magbetick!

When i was 5, i used to play something like that, but your game is much better... it's just magnethic...
I'd like to go higher, then on 57 place..

Exellent game! 10/10 for violence lol

I ddnt even no that i controled my fuel until level 26 lol im 52nd on da scoreboard!

Hope this isnt a stolen idea

I've seen two more games exactly like this one. Am well, good graphics and engine, ..stuff

Armegalo responds:

No, I've never played another game like it, although a few people have said that it's like penguin golf or something...
Gimme some links and I'll go check dem out


Man tis game rocks but we NEED more levels now i must play other games to =P

Armegalo responds:

More levels next week.
A sequel after that in a couple of months :)