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Reviews for "Galactic Gravity Golf"


its fun but after the first time playing through theres not much else to do in it.

this is the golf game exception.

most golf games i hav played sucked sumthin awful. this however, rocks. im pleased with my 36 mil score and unless u keep goin over ur par this game is pretty easy. i love it, and setting a space theme just makes it perfect. this game is brilliant, make a sequal.


Don't get me wrong, this was an amazing game... I just sucked hard at it. I am really bad at this game. I got so angry on some holes, I made a par 3 in 15 shots :P. Extremely challenging, and fun unless you suck at it like me. xD

Great game.

excelent game, I just barely made the online high scores at #55 (frank) XD. Very fun.


I got 600k freefall at level 6. Is that good?
Btw I like this game but music is kinda boring